baryons, spin-½ 215, 220, 224
Eightfold Way 218, 219 Fig 12, 223
Fig 14
and quarks 222–3
baryons, spin-3/2
Eightfold Way 221 Fig 13
Becker, Ulrich 269, 271
Bekenstein, Jacob 374–5, 377
Bekenstein–Hawking formula 400
Bell, John 307–17, 320, 321, 327, 339, 340,
Bertlmann’s socks 313–16
Bell’s inequality xvii, 308–17
experimental tests proposed 319–22
experimental violation 319, 322–7,
349, 351, 354
Bell’s theorem xvii, 316, 318, 326
Bergman, Peter 365, 367
Berkeley 176, 204–5, 218, 237–
8, 29
Berlin University 10, 41, 72, 103
beta radioactive decay 158, 199, 205,
207–8, 210, 211
and quarks 223, 288–9
beta-electrons 208–9
Bethe, Hans 158, 173, 179, 181, 182, 183,
188, 189
‘big bang’ 230, 367–8, 378, 391, 409
Birkbeck College, London 306, 373
Bjorken, James 239–40, 241, 244, 245,
246, 247
black body radiation see cavity radiation
black holes xvii, 364, 373
entropy 373, 374–5, 377, 378
, 40
event horizon 364, 373, 375, 377, 378
four laws 375, 379
Hawking radiation 377–9, 386
‘no hair’ theorem 373, 373n, 374
Zeldovich radiation proposal 375–6
Bloch, Felix 63
Block, Richard 217
Bohm, David xvi, 173, 230, 298, 299–305,
306, 307–8, 318, 321, 327
arrest and trial 297, 298
Bohr, Harald 27, 29, 104
Bohr, Margrethe (née Nørlund) 26, 30,
Bohr, Niels xiii, 26–33, 34, 35, 51, 57, 80,
95–102, 115, 128, 131, 132
, 182, 18
298, 305, 307, 331–2, 339
anti-realism 110, 111, 147
and the atom bomb 159–60, 163–5
Como lecture xv, 103–6, 111
and Copenhagen Institute 44
debates with Einstein xv, 115–16,
118–25, 134–40, 142–3, 159,
327, 329
debates with Heisenberg and
Schrödinger xv, 81–5, 87, 95
and electron spin 58
engagement and marriage 26, 30
escape to Los Alamos 166
and Heisenberg, early
relationship 44–6, 47
and Heisenberg’s uncertainty
principle 97–102
meeting with Heisenberg
(Copenhagen, 1941) xv, 160–6
Nobel Prize 34n
and Pauli
52, 55, 101
antum model of the atom xiv,
29–33, 34, 40
response to EPR argument 145–7, 157,
299, 329, 352
and Rutherford 28, 32–3
and Thomson 27
and wave/particle
complementarity 96–7, 401, 402
Bohr–Kramers–Slater (BKS)
proposal 43, 48
Bohr–Sommerfeld theory 52
Boltzmann, Ludwig 7, 13–14, 77, 107,
108, 158
Boltzmann’s constant 16, 17
Born, Max 42, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52, 72–8,
79n, 85, 95, 104, 131, 304, 305, 370
and Einstein 72, 76, 78, 87
fi fth Solvay conference 115, 117
leaves Germany 142