notes and sources
375 ‘The metal sphere will radiate . . .’, Yakov Zeldovich, quoted by Thorne,
pp. 429–430. The italics are Thorne’s
376 ‘They convinced me that, according to the quantum mechanical uncertainty
principle . . .’, Hawking, p. 104.
377 ‘I didn’t want particles coming out . . .’, Dennis Overbye, Omni, February
1979, quoted in Larsen, p. 40.
377 ‘When I did the calculation, I found . . .’, Hawking, p. 105.
378 ‘. . . Bardeen, Carter and I considered that the thermodynamical similar-
ity . . .’, Stephen Hawking, Nature, 248, 1974, p. 31.
379 ‘I would rather be right than rigorous’, Stephen Hawking, quoted in Thorne,
p. 441.
380 ‘In the front row a young man in a wheelchair . . .’, Carl Sagan, in Hawking,
p. x.
38: The First Superstring Revolution
381 ‘Gauge group of the world’, Howard Georgi and Sheldon Glashow, Physical
Review Letters, 32, 1974, p. 438.
381 ‘And then I realized that this made the proton, the basic building block
of the atom, unstable . . .’, Howard Georgi, interview with Robert Crease and
Charles Mann, 29 January 1985. Quoted in Crease and Mann, p. 400.
383 ‘I worked on it for a long time . . .’, Leonard Susskind, The Landscape: A Talk
with Leonard Susskind,, April 2003.
384 ‘What do you do?’, and subsequent quotation, Leonard Susskind, The Land-
scape: A Talk with Leonard Susskind,, April 2003.
385 ‘I think we were kind of struck by the mathematical beauty . . .’, John
Schwarz, interview with Sara Lippincott, 21 and 26 July, 2000, Oral History
Project, California Institute of Technology Archives, 2002, p. 26.
387 ‘In our discussions with him it became very clear . . .’, John Schwarz, inter-
view with Sara Lippincott, 21 and 26 July, 2000, Oral History Project, Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology Archives, 2002, p. 39.
388 ‘SO(32),’ John Schwarz, interview with Sara Lippincott, 21 and 26 July, 2000,
Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives, 2002,
p. 41.
388 ‘I fi gured out how to do everything . . .’, John Schwarz, interview with Sara
Lippincott, 21 and 26 July, 2000, Oral History Project, California Institute of
Technology Archives, 2002, p. 43.