the quantum story
11: The ‘Kopenhagener Geist’
97 ‘Then Niels Bohr returned from his skiing holiday and we had a fresh round
of diffi cult discussions’, Heisenberg, Physics and Beyond, p. 79.
100 ‘I remember that it ended with my breaking out in tears because I just
couldn’t stand this pressure from Bohr’, Werner Heisenberg, interview by
Thomas Kuhn, 25 February 1963, Archive for the History of Quantum Physics.
Quoted in Jammer, p. 65.
101 ‘Well, we have a consistent mathematical scheme and this consistent math-
ematical scheme tells us everything which can be observed . . .’, This, and
subsequent quotes, are taken from Werner Heisenberg, interview by Tho-
mas Kuhn, 25 February 1963, Archive for the History of Quantum Physics. Quoted
in Pais, Niels Bohr’s Times, p. 310.
101 ‘Naturally, if one starts with [wave–particle duality], one can do everything
without fear of contradiction . . .’, Werner Heisenberg, letter to Wolfgang
Pauli, 16 May 1927. Quoted in Cassidy, p. 238.
102 ‘In this connection Bohr has brought to my attention that I have overlooked
essential points in the course of several discussions in this paper . . .’, This,
and the subsequent quote, are taken from Werner Heisenberg, Zeitschrift für
Physik, 43, 1927, pp. 172–198. See Wheeler and Zurek, pp. 83–84.
102 ‘Kopenhagener Geist der Quantentheorie’, Heisenberg, The Physical Principles
of the Quantum Theory, preface.
12: There is No Quantum World
104 ‘Bohr dictated and the next day all he had dictated was discarded and we
began anew’, Oskar Klein, interview with Léon Rosenfeld and J. Kalckar, 7
November 1968, Niels Bohr Archive. Quoted in Pais, Niels Bohr’s Times, p. 311.
104 ‘. . . I shall try, by making use only of simple considerations and without
going into any details of technical mathematical character . . .’ Niels Bohr,
Nature, 121, 1928, pp. 580–590. This article was reprinted in Niels Bohr,
Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature, Cambridge University Press, 1934,
pp. 52–91. This was reproduced again in Wheeler and Zurek, pp. 87–126.
This quote appears in Wheeler and Zurek, p. 87.
105 ‘On one hand, the defi nition of the state of a physical system, as ordinarily under-
stood, claims the elimination of all external disturbances . . .’, Niels Bohr, Nature,
121, 1928, pp. 580–590. This quote appears in Wheeler and Zurek, pp. 89–90.
105 ‘This lecture will not induce any one of us to change his own [opinion]
about quantum mechanics’, Léon Rosenfeld, interview by Thomas Kuhn