the quantum story
When at a conference at the Vatican in 1981 Pope John Paul II suggested that cosmologists
confi ne their speculations to moments after the Creation, Hawking did not have the cour-
age to explain that his no-boundary assumption meant that there could be no moment
of Creation. ‘I had no desire to share the fate of Galileo,’ he explained, ‘with whom I feel a
strong sense of identity, having been born exactly 300 years after his death!’
The ground-state wavefunction was found to correspond to an expanding universe.
Excited states were also found which expanded and then collapsed, but also had a fi nite prob-
ability of tunnelling to states describing continually expanding universes. But the approach
was to prove to be another blind alley, and enthusiasm quickly waned. More gloom gathered
around the canonical approach.
As superstring theorists wrestled with string vibrations in ten dimensions, curled-up
Calabi–Yau spaces, and a general loss of uniqueness, a series of discoveries was being
made that would resurrect the canonical approach and provide a genuine rival to super-
strings as a theory of quantum gravity. A rival that was, moreover, completely independ-
ent of any assumed space–time background.
It would become known as loop quantum gravity.
In August 1982 Amitabha Sen at the University of Maryland submitted a
paper to the journal Physics Letters in which he proposed to recast general
relativity in terms of a three-dimensional ‘spin system’. This is a system
based on ‘spinors’, or spin-vectors fi rst developed by the French math-
ematician Élie Cartan in 1913. Spinors had fi rst been deployed in quantum
theory by Pauli in May 1927, in the form of his spin matrices. This basic
spinor structure had subsequently dropped out of Dirac’s relativistic
wave equation, for both the electron and positron.
In Sen’s development, the spinors had no physical meaning. They were a
mathematical device which allowed him to recast general relativity in a space
of complex vectors more comprehensive in terms of its ability to accom-
modate geometrical information. What he found was a new way to express
the constraints of the ADM Hamiltonian formalism of general relativity.
The formalism was much simpler.
Sen’s work was picked up a few years later by Indian physicist Abhay
Ashtekar at Syracuse University in New York. Ashtekar had studied
gravitational physics and general relativity in Chicago, securing his PhD
in 1974. He recognized that Sen’s use of spinors could be the basis for a
complete reformulation of the constrained Hamiltonian form of general