the quantum story
states and changing from one to the other does not affect the basis of
the correlation between photons A and B. The correlation is such that if
the optical axes of both analysers are aligned in the same direction, then
if photon A is detected in a state of vertical polarization, photon B must
also be detected in a state of vertical polarization.
Each polarization analyser was to be mounted on a platform which
allowed it to be rotated about its optical axis. Experiments could there-
fore be performed for different relative orientations of the two analysers,
which would be placed about 13 metres apart. The electronics would be
set to look for coincidences in the arrival and detection of the photons
A and B within a time window just 20 billionths of a second wide. Any
kind of ‘spooky’ signal passed between the photons, ‘informing’ photon
B of the fate of photon A, for example, would therefore need to travel the
13 metres between the detectors within this narrow time window. In fact,
it would take about twice this amount of time for a signal moving at the
speed of light to cover this distance.
The practical realization of these experiments took another fi ve years.
Aspect, Grangier, and Roger published their fi rst defi nitive results in the
journal Physical Review Letters in August 1981.
The physicists performed four sets of measurements with four different
orientations of the two analysers. This allowed them to test a generalized
form of Bell’s inequality.
For the specifi c combination of analyser orien-
tations chosen, the generalized form of the inequality demands a value
less than or equal to 2. Quantum theory predicts a value of 2.828.
This is a little different from the situation where we measured the spin orientations of
entangled atoms, which were correlated up–down. It results from the simple fact that left and
right circular polarization is defi ned for photons moving towards their respective detectors. If
photon A moves to the left in a state of left circular polarization, then photon B must move
towards the right in a state of right circular polarization. But the right-hand detector sees right
circular (clockwise) rotation as left circular (counter-clockwise) rotation. This translates into
the expectation that the photons will ultimately be detected either as both vertically or both
horizontally polarized.
This was developed in 1969 by John Clauser, Michael Horne, Abner Shimony, and Richard
Holt. It involves extension to a fourth arrangement of the analysers but does not depend on the
assumption of ‘perfect’ correlation between the entangled particles. It is therefore valid for the
situation in which the experimental instruments are ‘imperfect’.
The quantum theory prediction is actually 2 multiplied by the square-root of 2.