the quantum story
what kind of reality prevails: a quantum reality of superpositions of mac-
roscopic states or macroscopic realism?
One major step in this direction was taken by Anton Zeilinger and his
team at the University of Vienna in 1999. These physicists reported the
diffraction and interference of a beam of buckminsterfullerene molecules,
each consisting of 60 carbon atoms in a soccer-ball structure, in an elabo-
rate version of the classic Young experiment.
These experiments were
subsequently repeated with fullerene molecules consisting of 70 carbon
atoms. By Leggett’s reckoning, the extensive difference in these experi-
ments was about a million, and the disconnectivity over a thousand.
These are fascinating experiments, begging all kinds of questions about
what happens to the mass of these molecules as they undergo wave-like
behaviour. But they still take us only a relatively small step towards the
macroscopic world of everyday objects. To go further down this path, we
need to return to the properties of superconductors.
Electrons are fermions and obey the Pauli exclusion principle. How-
ever, when considered as though they are a single entity, two electrons
of opposite spin and momentum have no net spin and, under the right
conditions, they can collectively form a boson. Like other bosons (such
as photons), these pairs of electrons can ‘condense’ into a single quantum
state. When a large number of pairs so condense in a superconductor,
the result is a macroscopic quantum state extending over large distances.
We can think of a macroscopic quantum state as a state with some prop-
erty of macroscopic dimensions, such as electrical conductivity, whose
behaviour is governed by quantum, rather than classical, mechanics.
As described in Chapter 23, this condensed state lies lower in energy than
the normal electrical conduction band of the superconducting material and
For more details on the discovery of buckminsterfullerene and its aftermath, see Jim Bag-
gott, Perfect Symmetry: The Accidental Discovery of Buckminsterfullerene, Oxford University Press,
Actually the disconnectivity for C
is 60 carbon atoms multiplied by 18 (six protons plus
six neutrons plus six electrons) = 1080.
Another example of a macroscopic quantum state is superfl uid helium. Because helium
consists of an even number of fermions it can act like a boson. It also undergoes ‘Bose con-
densation’ at very low temperatures. At temperatures below about −270 °C, liquid helium loses
virtually all of its viscosity and can ‘creep’ as a thin fi lm up the sides of a beaker.