17 Datum transformation problems
17-1 The 7-parameter datum transformation and its
The 7-parameter datum transformation C
(3) problem involves the determination
of seven parameters required to transform coordinates from one system to an-
other. The transformation of coordinates is a computational procedure that m aps
one set of coordinates in a given system onto another. This is achieved by translat-
ing the given system so as to cater for its origin with respect to the final system,
and rotating the system about its own axes so as to orient it to the final sys-
tem. In addition to the translation and rotation, scaling is performed in order to
match the corresponding baseline lengths in the two systems. The three translation
parameters, three rotation parameters and the scale element comprise the 7 param-
eters of the datum transformation C
(3) problem, where one understands C
to be the notion of the seven parameter conformal group in R
, leaving “space
angles” and “distance ratios” equivariant (invariant). A mathematical introduc-
tion to conformal field theory is given by [141, 357], while a systematic approach
of geodetic datum transformation, including geometrical and physical terms, is
presented by [188]. For a given network, it suffices to compute the transformation
parameters using three or more coordinates in both systems. These parameters
are then later used for subsequent conversions.
In geodesy and geoinformatics, the 7-parameter datum transformation prob-
lem has gained significance following the advent of Global Navigation Satellites
Systems (GNSS), and particularly GPS. Since satellite positioning operates on a
global reference frame (see e.g., Chap. 10), there often exists the need to transform
coordinates from local systems onto GPS’s World Geodetic System 84 (WGS-84).
Specifically, coordinates can be transformed;
• from map systems to digitizing tables (e.g., in Geographical Information Sys-
tem GIS),
• from photo systems (e.g., photo coordinates) to ground systems (e.g., WGS-
• from local (national) systems to global reference systems (e.g., WGS-84) as in
(14.29) on p. 262,
• from regional (e.g., European Reference Frame EUREF system) to global ref-
erence systems (e.g., WGS-84),
• from local (national) systems to regional reference systems, and
• from one local system onto another local system. In some countries, there exist
different systems depending on p olitical boundaries.
This problem, also known as 7-parameter similarity transformation, has its 7 un-
known transformation parameters related to the known co ordinates in the two
systems by nonlinear equations. These equations are often solved using numer-
ical methods which, as already pointed out in the preceding chapters, rely on
J.L. Awange et al., Algebraic Geodesy and Geoinformatics, 2nd ed.,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-12124-1 17,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010