15-3 Refraction (bending) angles 273
15-3 Refraction (bending) angles
In space borne GPS meteorology, the measured quantities are normally the ex-
cess path delay of the signal. It is obtained by measuring the excess phase of the
signal owing to atmospheric refraction during the traveling period. The determi-
nation of the refraction angle α from the measured exce ss phase therefore marks
the beginning of the computational process to retrieve the atmospheric profiles
of temperature, pressure, water vapour and geopotential heights. The unknown
refraction angle α is related to the measured excess phase by a system of two
nonlinear trigonometric equations;
1. an equation relating the doppler shift at the Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satel-
lite (e.g., CHAMP, GRACE etc.) expressed as the difference in the projected
velocities of the two moving satellites on the ray path tangent on one hand,
and the doppler shift expressed as the sum of the atmosphere free propagation
term and a term due to atmosphere on the other hand,
2. an equation that makes use of Snell’s law in a spherically layered medium [369,
p. 59].
Equations formed from (1) and (2) are nonlinear e.g., (15.6) and have b een solved
using iterative numerical methods such as Newton’s (see e.g., [203, 256, 369, 413].
In-order to solve the trigonometric nonlinear system of equations (15.6), Newton’s
approach assumes the refractive angles to be s mall enough such that the rela-
tionship between the doppler shift and the bending angles formed from (1) and
(2) are linear. The linearity assumption of the relationship between the doppler
shift and refraction angles introduces some small nonlinearity errors. Vorob’ev
and Krasil’nikova [400] have pointed out that neglecting the nonlinearity in (15.6)
causes an error of 2% when the beam perigee is close to the Earth’s ground and
decrease with the altitude of the perigee. The extent of these errors in the dry part
of the atmosphere, i.e., the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, particularly
the height 5-30 km, whose bending angle data are directly used to compute the at-
mospheric profiles or directly assimilated in Numerical Weather Prediction Models
(NWPM) (e.g., [216]) is however not precisely stated. The effects of nonlinearity
error on the impact parameters to which the refraction bending angles are related
is also not known.
In an attempt to circumvent the nonlinearity of (15.6), [400] expand it into
series of V /c, where V is the velocity of the artificial sate llite and c the veloc ity of
light in vacuum. This c orrects for relativistic effects and introduce the concept of
perturbation. The angle between the relative position vectors of the two satellites
and the tangent velocity vector at GPS is expressed in quadratic terms of the
corresponding angle at LEO (also expanded to the second order). The refraction
angle is then obtained by making use of its infinitesimal values that are less than
. Though the approach attempts to provide an analytic (direct) solution to
nonlinear system of equations for bending angles, it is still nevertheless “quasi-
nonlinear” and as such does not offer a complete, exact solution to the problem.
The fact that there existed no direct (exact) solution to the nonlinear system