15 GNSS environmental monitoring
15-1 Satellite environmental monitoring
In 1997, the Kyoto protocol to the United Nation’s framework convention on cli-
mate change spelt out measures that were to be taken to reduce the greenhouse
gas emission that has contributed to global warming. Global warming is just but
one of the many challenges facing our environment today. The rapid increase in de-
sertification on one hand and flooding on the other hand are environmental issues
that are increasingly becoming of concern. For instance, the torrential rains that
caused havoc and destroyed properties in USA in 1993 is estimated to have totalled
to $15 billion, 50 people died and thousands of people were evacuated, some for
months [261]. Today, the threat from torrential rains and flooding still remains real
as was seen in 1997 El’nino rains that swept roads and bridges in Kenya, the 2000
Mozambique flood disaster, 2002 Germany flood disaster or the Hurricane Isabel
in the US coast
. The melting of polar ice thus raising the sea level is creating fear
of submersion of beaches and cities surrounded by the o ce ans and those already
below sea level. In-order to be able to predict and model these occurrences so as
to minimize damages such as those indicated by [261], atmospheric studies have
to be undertaken with the aim of improving on mechanism for providing reliable,
accurate and timely data. These data are useful in Numerical Weather Prediction
(NWP) models for weather forecasting and climatic models for monitoring cli-
matic changes. Besides, accurate and reliable information on weather is essential
for other applications such as agriculture, flight navigation, etc.
Data for NWP and climatic models are normally collected using balloon filled
radiosondes, satellites (polar and geostationary) and other sources e.g., flight data
from aeroplanes. Whereas [283, p. 94] points out that about 9500 surface based
stations and 7000 merchant ships exist that send up weather balloons, [413] noted
that most of these data cover the northern hemisphere, with the southern hemi-
sphere (mainly Africa and South America) lacking adequate data due to financial
constraints. Lack of radiosonde data is also noted in the oceanic areas hence lead-
ing to shortage of adequate data for NWP and climatic models. These models
require precise and accurate data for estimating initial starting values in-order to
give accurate and reliable weather forecast, and to be of use for climate monitoring.
The shortage of radiosonde data is complemented with the polar and geostationary
satellite data. Polar satellites include for instance the US owned National Ocean
and Atmospheric Administration NOAA-14 and NOAA-15, while the geostation-
ary satellites include US based Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
(GEOS) and Europe owned METEOrological SATellite (METEOSAT).
Polar and geostationary satellites (e.g., NOAA, GOES and METEOSAT) used
for temperature and water vapour profile measurements have their own limita-
tions however. In high altitude winter conditions for instance, use of passive Infra
Red (IR) is difficult due to very cold temperatures, common near surface thermal
BBC 19th Sept. 2003 online report: http://news.bbc.co.uk/
J.L. Awange et al., Algebraic Geodesy and Geoinformatics, 2nd ed.,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-12124-1 15,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010