290 16 Algebraic diagnosis of outliers
The detection and isolation approach to the outlier problem comes with its
own shortcoming. On one hand, there exists the danger of false deletion and false
retention of the assumed outliers. On the other hand, there exists the problem that
the detection techniques are based on the residuals computed initially using the
least squares method which has the tendency of masking the outliers by pulling
their residuals closer to the regression fit. This makes the detection of outliers
difficult. These setbacks had been recognized by the father of robust statistics P. J.
Huber [232], [233, p. 5] and also [205, pp. 30–31] who suggested that the best option
to deal with the outlier problem was to use robust estimation procedures. Such
procedures would proceed safely despite the presence of outliers, isolate them and
give admissible estimates that could have been achieved in the absence of outliers
(i.e., if underlying distribution was normal). Following the fundamental paper by
P. J. Huber in 1964 [231] and [233], several robust estimation procedures have
been put forward that revolve around the robust M-estimators, L-estimators and
R-estimators. In geodesy and geoinformatics, use of robust estimation techniques
to estimate parameters has been presented e.g., in [5, 19, 20, 108, 196, 244, 246,
247, 306, 351, 422, 425, 426, 428] among others.
In this chapter, we present a non-statistical algebraic approach to outlier di-
agnosis that uses the Gauss-Jacobi combinatorial algorithm presented in Chap. 7.
The combinatorial solutions are analyzed and those containing falsified observa-
tions identified. In-order to test the capability of the algorithm to diagnose outliers,
we inject outliers of different magnitudes and signs on planar ranging and GPS
pseudo-ranging problems. The algebraic approach is then employed to diagnose
the outlying observations.
For GPS pseudo-range observations, the case of multipath effect is considered.
Multipath is the error that occurs when the GPS signal is reflected (mostly by
reflecting surfaces in built up areas) towards GPS receivers, rather than travel-
ling directly to the receiver. This error still remains a menace which hinders full
exploitation of the GPS system. Whereas other GPS observational errors such as
ionospheric and atmospheric refractions can be modelled, the error due to mul-
tipath still poses some difficulties in being contained thus necessitating a search
for procedures that can deal with it. In proposing procedures that can deal with
the error due to multipath, [416] have suggested the use of robust estimation ap-
proach that is based on iteratively weighted least squares (e.g., a generalization
of the Danish method to heterogeneous and correlated observations). Awange [18]
prop os ed the use of algebraic deterministic approach to diagnose outliers of type
16-2 Algebraic diagnosis of outliers
Let us illustrate by means of a simple linear example how the algebraic algorithm
diagnoses outliers.
Example 16.1 (Outlier diagnosis using Gauss-Jacobi combinatorial algorithm). Con-
sider a case where three linear equations have been given for the purpose of solving