776 × 512
Linear CCD or photodiode arrays are good choices for film digitization and can have even better dynamic ranges than
those listed in Table 2. When these devices are cooled, each 7 °C (13 °F) reduction in temperature reduces the root mean
square noise by a factor of two. The charge-coupled device and charge injection device are capable of good dynamic
range and fair resolution, but have certain artifacts (Ref 12). Again, if the devices are cooled, the noise floor is reduced,
and they can be integrated for long periods to enhance the dynamic range and sensitivity. Cooled CCDs are available that
rival the low light sensitivity of silicon-intensified targets (SITs), but not the frame speed.
In general, the frame rate, dynamic range, and resolution are all interrelated. The interscene dynamic range is listed as the
maximum achievable for the microdensitometers and as the dynamic range that can be achieved at the given frame rate
for the other devices. The faceplate illumination given for the tubes and the solid-state detectors assumes mid-level
illumination (halfway between saturation and preamplifier noise) (Ref 13). This may vary among tubes and generic types
by a factor of three to four (Ref 14). The interscene dynamic range will also vary greatly, but can be maximized by the
proper selection of a tube such that a dynamic range of 200 can be achieved at 33 ms/field with a high resolution (>1000
The quoted resolution for the tubes is at a modulation transfer function (MFT) of 5%, which means that the contrast
between a black line and a white line is only 5% at the stated resolution. This, of course, is measured at optimum
illumination and at the center of the tube image field. Under other conditions, the resolution will be less. For comparison,
a 1024
CCD camera may have an MTF of 5% at 750 lines. The lags quoted for the tubes are typical for the particular
type at 3 TV fields or 50 ms. Tube cameras are primarily used in radiation environments or in specialized applications,
such as high-resolution real-time radiography, in which the frame rate is higher than that achievable by current CCD
designs. Charge-coupled device camera design is rapidly evolving for high-resolution scientific use and can be expected
to improve with regard to real-time frame rates (Ref 12, 15).
It should be noted that a 355 × 432 mm (14 × 17 in.) film digitized at a resolution of 50 m (0.002 in.) with 12-bit
accuracy will consume a 92-Mbyte file. Just writing or reading this file to or from a hard disk could take up to 8 min
(optical disks take even longer). Even with high-density optical disks and data compression, the digital storing of high-
resolution radiographs represents a formidable problem.
References cited in this section
3. R.C. Gonzalez and P. Wintz, Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley, 1977
J.R. Janesick, T. Elliott, S. Collins, M.M. Blouke, and J. Freeman, Scientific Charge Coupled Devices,
Eng., Vol 26 (No. 8), 1987, p 692-714
I.P. Csorba, Image Tubes, Howard W. Sams & Co., 1985
G.I. Yates, S.A. Jaramillo, V.H. Holmes, and J.P. Black, "Characterization of New FPS Vidicons for
Scientific Imaging Applications," LA-11035-MS, US-37, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1988
L.E. Rovich, Imaging Processes and Materials, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989
Digital Image Enhancement
T.N. Claytor and M.H. Jones, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Image Processing