C.F. Billhardt, V. Nagpal, and T. Altan, "A Computer Graphics System for CAD/CAM of Aluminum
Extrusion Dies," Paper MS78-957, Society for Manufacturing Engineers, 1978
V. Nagpal and T. Altan, Design and Manufacturing of Dies for Lubricated Extrusion of Shapes,
Work. Technol., Vol 1 (No. 2), Nov 1977, p 183
V. Nagpal, C.F. Billhardt, R. Gagne, and T. Altan, "Automated Design of Extrusion Dies by Computer,"
Paper presented at the International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar, Nov 1977
V. Nagpal, C.F. Billhardt, and T. Altan, Lubricated Extrusion of "T" Sections From Aluminum, Titanium,
and Steel Using Computer-Aided Techniques, J. Eng. Ind. (Trans. ASME), Vol 101, Aug 1979, p 319
R.A.P. Fielding, Computer Aided Design and Manufacture of Extrusion Dies, Light Met. Age,
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1. K. Laue and H. Stenger, Extrusion: Processes, Machinery, Tooling,
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2. J. Sejournet and J. Delcroix, Glass Lubricant in the Extrusion of Steel, Lubr. Eng., Vol 11, 1955, p 389-396
R. Akeret and P.M. Stratman, Unconventional Extrusion Processes for the Harder Aluminum Alloys, Part I
and II, Light Met. Age, April 1987, p 6-10; June 1973, p 15-18
A.R.E. Singer and J.W. Coakham, Temperature Changes Occurring During the Extrusion of Aluminum,
Tin and Lead, J. Inst. Met., Vol 89, 1961-1962, p 177
5. R. Akeret, A Numerical Analysis of Temperature Distribution in Extrusion, J. Inst. Met.,
G.D. Lahoti and T. Altan, Prediction of Metal Flow and Temperatures in Asymmetric Deformation
Processes, in Proceedings of the 21st Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference, Aug 1974
7. G.D. La
hoti and T. Altan, Prediction of Temperature Distributions in Tube Extrusion Using a Velocity
Field Without Discontinuities, in
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8. A.R.E. Singer and S.H.K. Al-S
amarrai, Temperature Changes Associated With Speed Variations During
Extrusion, J. Inst. Met., Vol 89, 1960-1961, p 225
9. K. Laue, Isothermal Extrusion, Z. Metallkd., Vol 51, 1960, p 491 (in German)
R. Chadwick, Developments and Problems in Package Extrusion Press Design, Met. Mater.,
C. Purnell and D. Males, Extrusion Die Design by Computer, Light Met. Age, April 1980, p 12
C.T. Post, The Strong Link That Ties CAD to CAM, Iron Age, 22 Aug 1977, p 29
C.F. Billhardt,
V. Nagpal, and T. Altan, "A Computer Graphics System for CAD/CAM of Aluminum
Extrusion Dies," Paper MS78-957, Society for Manufacturing Engineers, 1978
V. Nagpal and T. Altan, Design and Manufacturing of Dies for Lubricated Extrusion of Shapes, J. Me
Work. Technol., Vol 1 (No. 2), Nov 1977, p 183
V. Nagpal, C.F. Billhardt, R. Gagne, and T. Altan, "Automated Design of Extrusion Dies by Computer,"
Paper presented at the International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar, Nov 1977
V. Nagpal
, C.F. Billhardt, and T. Altan, Lubricated Extrusion of "T" Sections From Aluminum, Titanium,
and Steel Using Computer-Aided Techniques, J. Eng. Ind. (Trans. ASME), Vol 101, Aug 1979, p 319
R.A.P. Fielding, Computer Aided Design and Manufacture of Extrusion Dies, Light Met. Age,