extrusion of soft metals and alloys, such as lead, tin, α-brasses, and tin bronzes, and during the extrusion of copper billets
covered with oxide (which acts as a lubricant).
Flow pattern B (Fig. 4c) occurs in homogeneous materials if friction exists at both the container wall and at the
surfaces of the die and die holder (Fig. 4c). The peripheral zones are retarded at the billet/container interface, while the
lower resistance causes the material in the center to be accelerated toward the die. The shear zone between the retarded
regions at the surface and the accelerated material in the center extends back into the billet to an extent that depends on
the extrusion parameters and the alloy. Therefore, the dead-metal zone is large. At the start of extrusion, the shear
deformation is concentrated in the peripheral regions, but as deformation continues, it extends toward the center. This
increases the danger of material flowing from the billet surface--with impurities or lubricant--along the shear zone and
finishing up under the surface of the extrusion. In addition, the dead-metal zone is not completely rigid and can influence,
even if to a limited degree, the flow of the metal. Flow type B is found in single-phase (homogeneous) copper alloys that
do not form a lubricating oxide skin and in most aluminum alloys.
Flow pattern C (Fig. 4d) occurs in the hot extrusion of materials having inhomogeneous properties when the friction is
high (as in flow pattern B) and when the flow stress of the material in the cooler peripheral regions of the billet is
considerably higher than that in the center. The billet surface forms a relatively stiff shell. Therefore, the conical dead-
metal zone is much larger and extends from the front of the billet to the back. At the start of extrusion, only the material
inside the funnel is plastic, and it is severely deformed, especially in the shear zone, as it flows toward the die. The stiff
shell and the dead-metal zone are in axial compression as the billet length decreases; consequently, the displaced material
of the outer regions follows the path of least resistance to the back of the billet, where it turns toward the center and flows
into the funnel.
This type of flow is found in the (α + β) brasses, in which the cooling of the peripheral regions of the billet leads to an
increase in flow stress, because the flow stress of the α phase is much higher than that of the β phase during hot working.
As in the (α + β) brasses, flow type C will occur when there is a hard billet shell and, at the same time, the friction at the
container wall is high. It can also occur without any phase change that leads to a higher flow stress if there is a large
temperature difference between the billet and the container. This can take place in the extrusion of tin as well as of
aluminum and its alloys.
Reference cited in this section
K. Laue and H. Stenger, Extrusion: Processes, Machinery, Tooling, American Society for Metals,
(translated from the German)
Conventional Hot Extrusion
Extrusion Speeds and Temperatures
The temperatures developed during extrusion significantly influence the speed at which the process can be carried out.
This is especially true in the extrusion of hard aluminum alloys (2xxx and 7xxx). A complex thermal situation exists as
soon as the heated billet is loaded into the preheated container and extrusion begins. The temperatures are influenced by:
• Heat generation due to plastic deformation
• Heat generation due to internal shear and friction between the deforming material and the tooling
• Heat transfer within the billet
• Heat transfer between the billet and the tooling
• Heat transported with the extruded product
These phenomena occur simultaneously and result in a complex relationship among the material and process variables,
that is, billet material and temperature, friction, tool material and temperature, extrusion speed, shape of the extruded
section, and reduction in area.