Elastic deflection of the tooling and the forging equipment can also occur during the forging process and can affect the
tolerance achieved. In many cases, the elastic deflections are small and may be safely neglected. However, this is not
always the case, as demonstrated in Example 1. Elastic expansion of the workpiece as the forging load is released is
usually not significant and can be neglected, because the flow stress is low at elevated forging temperatures.
The dimensions of the forged part will be decreased relative to the dimensions of the die cavity by the thickness of
the forging lubricant at die closure. The thickness at die closure will generally be less than the thickness applied to the
dies and/or forging preform. In many cases, the lubricant layer is very thin and can be neglected. In other cases, it may be
significant. Thicker coatings are sometimes applied to billets prior to forging as protection against oxidation during
subsequent heating. Buildup of the lubricant in the tooling can also be a problem in some cases.
As discussed above, metal flow patterns are an important consideration in precision forging. The design of the tooling
must ensure an appropriate preforming sequence to control the metal flow in order to fill the die contours and to achieve
an acceptable surface finish. The magnitude of chilling must also be evaluated because the flow stress of the metal is a
function of temperature.
To assess the feasibility of a precision forging design, both the forging load and the workability of the workpiece material
must be considered. As mentioned above, an estimate of the forging load is necessary for calculating elastic deflections in
the tooling and fixturing. Excessively high loads cause premature failure of the tooling, either through increased friction
and wear or gross overload.
The workability of the workpiece material is a quantitative measure of how much deformation can be
accommodated without cracking or other forms of failure. Workability is more critical in precision forging than in
conventional forging because higher deformation levels may be required to achieve the tolerances required in precision
forging. Deformation levels can be especially high in localized areas. Furthermore, the workability index of the material
can be decreased in a precision forging process if the forging temperature is decreased in an effort to improve precision.
(There would be exceptions in the case of materials whose workability actually improves with decreased temperature.)
Workability tests and theory are discussed in the Section "Evaluation of Workability" in this Volume.
In practice, consideration of the above-mentioned factors is extremely difficult for all but the simplest forging geometries.
Accurate calculation of the temperature gradients in the workpiece and tooling requires a heat transfer analysis.
Calculation of elastic deflections requires knowledge of the forging loads and a stress analysis of the tooling and
associated fixturing. Calculation of metal flow for preform design is even more complex.
Mathematical models of the forging process based on the finite-element method have been developed to aid the
forging design engineer in the required analyses. These models have been implemented through computer programs that
provide the required temperature and stress profiles and allow the designer to simulate the metal flow that occurs during
forging. Process modeling and simulation are discussed in detail in the article "Modeling Techniques Used in Forging
Process Design" in this Volume.
Analysis of a precision forging process through computer-based models is most readily accomplished if the forging
tooling is initially designed on a computer-aided design and manufacturing system. Even if computer models are not
employed, computer-aided design and manufacturing will still be valuable in the design of precision forging tooling. The
goal of net shape, or at least near-net shape, dictates that precision forging tooling will be more detailed and complex in
comparison with conventional tooling. Furthermore, the accurate calculation of volumes and surface areas, which is done
automatically with computer-aided design and manufacturing, is more critical in precision forging than in conventional
forging. Applications for computer-aided design and manufacturing in forging are discussed in the article "Forging
Process Design" in this Volume.
Physical modeling is an alternative to mathematical simulation of the forging process on a computer. Physical
modeling involves construction of an analog model of the tooling and workpiece material. For example, observation of
the flow of Plasticine (a modeling clay) at room temperature has been found to be helpful in understanding metal flow
during forging. The tooling in a physical model is typically fabricated of Plexiglas to enable continuous observation
during deformation. Metal flow patterns may be highlighted by constructing the preform from different colors of clay.
Physical modeling is discussed in the article "Modeling Techniques Used in Forging Process Design" in this Volume.
Even with the most sophisticated analytical techniques, some further development of the precision forge tooling may be
necessary on the shop floor. In some cases, forging parameters and/or the dimensions of the die cavity may have to be