low-carbon steels (~2 to 1 yield strength ratio), and dual-phase steels spring back more than high-strength steels of the
same yield strength (higher tangent modulus).
The effect of stretching in reducing springback to very low levels has also been reported (Ref 19). Springback is also
greatly influenced by geometrical factors, and it increases as the bend angle and ratio of bend radius to sheet thickness
Surface Quality
The previously mentioned conditions that lead to undesirable surface textures can be minimized or prevented. The
formation of orange peel in heavily deformed regions can be minimized by using a fine-grain material. The development
of Lüders lines in rimmed steels can be prevented by temper rolling to 0.25 to 1.25% extension or by flex rolling, which
produces mobile dislocations for a limited period of time, until they are trapped by nitrogen atoms. This also reduces
elongation slightly. This problem is becoming less common with the increased use of continuous casting, which requires
killed steels. These steels have less free nitrogen to interact with the dislocations and do not develop Lüders lines. Similar
treatments can be applied to aluminum-magnesium alloys to prevent this defect.
References cited in this section
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