Special grips were developed that exert a high
clamping force at the inner contact lines. This
minimizes distortion and slip-page in these regions,
giving the test well-defined boundary conditions. The
results of both types of wide specimen tensile tests
described above correlated well with stress-strain
predictions obtained by finite-element modeling using
material properties obtained in the standard tensile test
(Ref 34, 37).
Width Constraint Method. In the width constraint
method, a rectangular sample is used that has a central
gage section reduced in width by circular notches (Ref
38). The gage section is clamped between two pairs of
opposing parallel knife-edges (stingers) aligned with
the sample axis. The knife-edges prevent transverse
(width) strain in this region. The sample is pulled to
fracture in a tension-testing machine, and the plane-
strain limit (necking) and fracture strains are
determined from thickness measurements made on the
fractured sample. This procedure is described in detail in Ref 38. The use of a spring-loaded clamp around the knife-edges
makes adjustment of the clamp during testing unnecessary.
References cited in this section
M.L. Devenpeck and O. Richmond, Limiting Strain Tests for In-Plane Sheet Stretching, in
Techniques in Metal Deformation Testing, The Metallurgical Society, 1983, p 79-88
R.H. Wagoner and N.M. Wang, An Experimental and Analytical Investigation of In-
2036-T4 Aluminum, Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol 21, 1979, p 255-264
R.H. Wagoner, Measurement and Analysis of Plane-Strain Work Hardening, Met. Trans. A,
1980, p 165-175
R.H. Wagoner, Plane-
Strain and Tensile Hardening Behavior of Three Automotive Sheet Alloys, in
Experimental Verification of Process Models,
Symposium proceedings, Cincinnati, OH, Sept 1981,
American Society for Metals, 1983, p 236
E.J. Appleby, M.L. Devenpeck, L.M. O'Hara, and O. Richmond, Finite Element Analysis and Experimental
Examination of the Rectangular-Sheet Tension Test, in
Applications of Numerical Methods to Forming
Vol 28, Proceedings of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Applied Mechanics
Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dec 1978, p 95-105
H. Sang and Y. Nishikawa, A Plane Strain Tensile Apparatus, J. Met., Feb 1983, p 30-33
Formability Testing of Sheet Metals
Brian Taylor, General Motors Corporation
Biaxial Stretch Testing
Two tests that determine the properties of sheet metals in biaxial stretching without involving surface friction effects are
the Marciniak biaxial stretching test (Ref 39) and the hydraulic bulge test (Ref 40). The Marciniak test subjects the
sample to in-plane biaxial stretching, but does not determine the stresses. In the hydraulic bulge test, the stresses can be
determined, but the sample is deformed into a dome, which involves out-of-plane stresses and strains.
Fig. 13 Plane-strain tensile test specimen. Source: Ref 36.