Laplace Transform Methods for
Partial Differential Equations
10.1 Introduction
In many partial differential equation problems that we encounter, such as the diffusion equation
and the wave equation, the time variable is generally understood to have the domain
0 <t<∞. In the case of partial differential equations, the particular operation called the
“Laplace transform” is often used to integrate out the time dependence of the equation, with
the result being a partial differential equation with one fewer independent variable that is
generally easier to solve.
In the case of ordinary differential equations, the operation reduces the differential equation to
an algebraic equation, and, because algebraic equations are generally easier to manipulate and
solve, we see an immediate advantage in the use of the Laplace operation.
10.2 Laplace Transform Operator
We begin by defining the Laplace operator as an integration operation with respect to the time
variable t. With certain restrictions on the function f(t), we define the Laplace operation or
transform of f(t) to be the integral
F(s) =
f(t) e
We note that the integration operation is performed on the integrand f(t)e
, and the integra-
tion is along the positive real t-axis. The result is a function of the Laplace variable s as indi-
cated by the corresponding capital letter function F(s). The variable s is, in general, a complex
variable. The expression e
is often called the “kernel” of the Laplace transformation.
The preceding integral is an “improper integral,” and in order for this integral to converge, the
restrictions imposed on f(t) are that it be a “piecewise continuous” function of t and of
“exponential order” over the interval I ={t |0 <t<∞}.
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