510 Introduction to probability theory
Dice are the embodiment of randomness. The Latin name, alea, is indeed
the source of the French word “aléatoire” for “random.” The Arabic word
az-zahr, which also means “dice,” has produced Spanish azar, French “hasard”
(“randomness”), as well as English “hazard.” The way dice fall, through the
Latin cadere (to fall), has brought the Old French word chaance and then th e
word “chance.”
According to a dictionary, chance is “The unknown and unpredictable element
in h appenings that seems to have no assignable cause.”
This is what happens w ith t he throw of a d ie. Even if we hold tha t t he
laws that dictate the fall and rebounds of the die are perfectly deterministic,
it is a fact that this system is chaotic and thus, in practice, has unpredictable
behavior: the final outcome of the throw has no apparent reason [86].
It is quite remarkable that such a common concept as “chance” should at
the same time be so difficult to fathom. Here is a math ematical example:
Some real numbers have the following property,
which we call Property P :
the decimal expansion of x contains statistically as many ze-
ros as ones, twos, threes, etc; morevoer, any finite sequence of
digits (for instance, “123456789” or your birthd ate) appears
in the decimal e xpansion and indeed appears statistically as
frequently as any other sequence of the same length (thus
“12345” is as f requent as “94281”).
Mathematicians (in particular, É. Borel) have proved that Propert y P holds
for the overwhelming majority of real numbers. More precisely, the probability
that P holds for a real number x is equal to 1. The probability that P does
not hold is therefore equal to 0.
Now, can you give me a single example of a real number such that Property P
It should be noted that rational numbers do not have Property P . Indeed,
the decimal ex pansion of a rational number is periodic (for example, 1/7 =
0.142857142857... with an infinite repetition of the s equence “142857”), which
clearly contradicts Property P . Maybe a number such as π, or e, or
2 would
work. This is quite possible, but this is a complete mystery at the current
time: nobody has been able to show, for instance, that π h as Property P , nor
indeed that it doesn’t .
So, we know that a “randomly chosen” real number must almost surely
satisfy Property P ; yet, (almost) a ny time we chose a number, either it does
E.g., the famous case of “water memory,” which is described in detail in [15].
A number for which Property P holds is called a normal number.