Spin and Riemann sphere 503
invariant under a 2π-rotation) has no consequence in physical observations?
After all, electrons exist abundantly in everyday matter. Note that, in fact, af-
ter a 2π-rotation, only th e sign of the wave function has changed; consequently,
the physical properties of the particle are unchanged. What changes are prop-
erties of interactions of th e particles: in particular, t he fact that electrons
are fermions (and hence obey the Pauli exclusion principle, so that matter is
stable) derive from this fact.
An object t ransforming according to the rule (18.3) is called a spinor.
Exercise 18.3 s hows tha t other transformation rules are poss ible.
Remark 18.34 The fact t h at SU(2) is like “twice SO( 3)” (or, more technically, it is a “double
cover” of SO(3)) is used to show that two states of spin e xist in the fundamental spinor rep-
resentation. In special relativity, the group of isometries of space is not SO(3) anymore, but
rather the group SO(3, 1) , that leaves Minkowski space (R
with the Minkowski metric) invari-
ant. One can show that there exists a si mply connected double cover of this group, isomorphic
to SL(2, C) and generated by two independent representations of SU(2) (one sometimes find
the notation SU(2) ⊗ SU(2) to recall this independance). This is constructed using suitable
linear combinations of generators of rotations and Lorentz boosts as infinitesimal generators.
This group then affords four degrees of freedom for a particle with spin
, instead of the two
expected; this allows us to predict that not only the particle is thus described, but so is the
associated antiparticle.
The reader interested by the mathematics underlying the representations of the Dirac equa-
tion may begin by looking at the excellent book [68].
Spin and Riemann sphere
While we are dealing with pretty pictures, I will not resist the temptation
to present an application to quantum mechanics of the representation of the
complex plane as the Riemann sphere (see page 146); more precisely, this
concerns the representation of the spin.
We know that th e wave function of an electron (or indeed of any other
particle with spin
) may be represented as the tensor product of a vector |f 〉
corresponding to a space dependency and a vector |χ〉 corresponding to the
|Ψ〉 = |f 〉⊗|χ〉.
This is another way of e xpressing that th e wave function has two components,
as in (18.3) (the first, ϕ, corresponding to the sta te |↑〉 or “spin-up,” and the
second, ψ, corresponding to the state |↓〉 or “spin-down”).
Let us concentrate only on the spin for now. Then the wave function |χ〉
is a linear combination of the basis vectors |↑〉 and |↓〉. This, however, is
related to the choice of one particular direction for the measure of the spin,
namely, the direction z. We might as well have chosen another direction, for