Change of coordinates 461
16.5.f Conclusion
Le Calcul Tensoriel sait mieux la physique que le Physicien lui-même.
Tensor calculus knows physics better than the physic ist himself does.
Paul Langevin (quoted in [10]).
Physical applications are too numerous to be studied individually. Among
others, we may mention:
Special relativity: the natural setting of special relativity was defined by Min-
kowski. It is a space isomorphic to R
, with a pseudo-metric with
signature (1, 3). Generalizing the scalar product is done very simply.
The notion of covariance, in other words, of the invariance of a quantity
or a the form of an equation, is ex pressed mathematically in the invari-
ance under change of basis of quantities which are “balanced” in terms
of their expressions using indices.
General relativity: Riemannian geometry is unfortunately outside the scope
of this book. We simply mention that the notion of Minkowski space
is extended to non-euclidean geometry. Tensor calculus (in the context
of manifolds) is then, for intrinsic reasons, an indispensable ingredient
of the theory.
Fluid mechanics: using tensors, the notion of current ca n be generalized.
The current of a vector is a scalar. The current of a vector may be
expressed in matrix form (one index for each component of the vector,
one index for the direction of the current). It is then convenient to
go farther and to denote as a tensor with three indices the current of a
tensor with two indices, and so on.
Electricity, signal theory, optics: tensor calculus may be used as a mathemat-
ical trick to express general linear transformations. Then the underlying
notions such as linear forms, metric, duality,... do not carry special physi-
cal significance.
Remark 16.68 A reader interested in general tensor calculus is invited to read the books of
Delachet [27]; the excellent treatise on modern geometry [30] in three volumes; the bible
concerning th e mathematics of general relativity (including all non-euclidean geometry) by
et al. [67]; or finally, one of t h e best physics books ever, that of Steven Weinberg [92].
On voit [...] se substituer à l’homo faber l’homo mathematicus.
Par exemple l’outil tensoriel est un merveilleux opérateur de généralité ;
à le manier, l’esprit acquiert des capacités nouvelles de généralisation.
We see [...] homo mathematicus substituting hims elf to homo faber.
For instance, tensor calculus is a wo nde rful operator in generalities; handling it,
the mind develops new capacities for generalization.
Gaston Bachelard, Le nouvel esprit scientifique [10]
Who invented th e words “black hole.”