5.3.2 Feasibility studies
When developing hydroformed components, the precise analysis of
boundary conditions is essential. Optimum design of components tak-
ing into consideration special process-specific factors enhances safety
and also the cost-effectiveness of series production.
The feasibility study, the component configuration and definition of
a production sequence are closely interlinked. Once these processes
have produced a positive result, it is possible to start with prototype
development of the components. When working through the individ-
ual steps, different boundary conditions must be taken into account.
These are briefly outlined below.
Review of feasibility
When reviewing feasibility, a difference is drawn between two groups of
components: new developments with a geometry that has been config-
ured specifically with hydroforming in mind, and the production of
existing components using hydroform technology.
Significant factors here include the geometry, wall thicknesses, mate-
rials and procurement of the semi-finished parts or preforms. Initially,
the geometry data is evaluated with the aid of a CAD/CAM system.
Circumferences, radii, cross sections and transitions are all determined.
A decision must also be taken regarding the characteristics of the pre-
form. In the case of a tube, for instance, these factors would include the
material to be used, the diameter, the wall thickness and also any pos-
sible need for pre-forming.
The expected circumferential expansion is then determined. Taking
into account the material data, the wall thickness, pre-forming of the
tubular blank and other boundary conditions, it is possible to assess the
manufacturing feasibility. Subsequently, the internal pressure, closing
force, forces and movements of the horizontal cylinders have to be cal-
culated. Since the correlations between all the different influencing
variables are highly complex, specific expertise is an essential compo-
nent of successful part configuration.
Part configuration
If it is possible to manufacture the part, the next stage is to design the
details, the position in the die and the slide channels. In the case, when