–, free hydroforming 406
–, tool-dependent hydroforming
Hydro-Mec forming process
hydro-mechanical deep
drawing 185-189
hydro-mechanical reverse
drawing 185
hydrostatic pressure 73
image generation, digital 401
image processing 401
impact speed 57, 199, 204, 289,
inclined conveyor 517
indexing unit 298
individual electrical control
device 97
induction welding 311-313
industrial PC 103, 322 f., 329
infeed roller 316
infeed table 316
inflation limit 418
initial blanking stop 356 f.
inner form ejector pin 353 f.
inner form punch 353, 355
input weight 442
input/output module 104, 266,
input/output system 97, 257,
intermediate annealing 423,
intermediate heat treatment
intermediate storage 397 f.
intermediate treatment
450 f.
internal pressure 417
international unit system 31
interrupt input 102
investigation part handling 478,
481-484, 506
involute gearing 466
ion implantation 500
iron phosphate layer 461
ironing 10, 435, 440, 445, 447 f.,
475 f.
ironing die 435
ironing die ring 476
JIS standard 451
job data acquisition 264
job management 321
joining 5, 23
- through forming 6
just-in-time production 398
knock-out pin 41
knuckle-joint drive 57, 205, 513,
527, 534
–, curve 59
–, double knuckle-joint system
208, 360 f.
–, knuckle-joint bottom drive
208, 523
–, modified 58 f., 528
–, modified knuckle-joint top
drive 509 f.
–, pressing force 58
knuckle-joint press 55, 507 f.,
L section 377
lamination stack 301
large-panel transfer press 125,
391, 393, 396
– crossbar transfer 243-250,
391, 398
– tri-axis transfer 234-243,
391 f., 398
laser welding 311, 313
lateral extrusion 433 f., 477
layout 400
lead 454
lead press 225
–, double-action 225
leg length 371
length 14
lift beam 245 f., 249
lifting bridge 45
lifting edge 126
light alloy 174
limiting draw ratio 167, 187
line operating and information
system 321
line operation 259
link 66
link drive 55 f., 223
link drive system 529
link-driven press 55
load, off-center 37, 80 f., 214
loading 393
loading station 479-481
loading system 517
local control unit 255
locking bead 22
locking device 84 f.
lock-out-plate 118
lock-out-procedure 117
long section 380
longitudinal knife 268
longitudinal seam welding 380
longitudinal shaft 64
longitudinal shaft drive 63-65
lower elongation limit 175
low-voltage switchgear 97
lubricant 179, 181, 422, 460,
lubricant film 180
lubrication 72, 179-185
–, hydro-dynamic fluid
lubrication 180
lubrication pocket 358 f.
lubrication system 361 f., 520
machine and production data
260 - 262
–, acquisition 262
machine tool 1
machining allowance 439, 465
magnetic belt conveyor 217
main drive 60, 66
maintenance 267, 321
maintenance back-up 105
maintenance capability 320
maintenance instruction 259
maintenance interval 321
maintenance module 324
malfunction diagnostics system
mandrel 434
mandrel friction force 476
manufacturer’s declaration 111
manufacturing process 5
material 174-179, 423 f., 450-454
material cohesion 6, 25
material feed 305
material flow 26-28, 339
material number 174
material pair 181
material saving 269
material selection 338
material stress 339
material usage 125
material utilization 271, 273, 356
maximum friction condition 180
maximum true strain 470
mean pressure 31
mechanical hydraulic press
mechanical press 38, 49-72
–, design 63
medal minting press 537
metal flow 140, 148, 157, 398,
400, 468
metal forming technology 1, 6,
19, 123
micro-alloyed steel 174, 177, 450
minimal bending radius 368
minting line 526-541
modified knuckle-joint 514
modified knuckle-joint drive 58
f., 528
modified knuckle-joint top drive
509 f.