contrast, are not quite as favorable. The high-speed steel S10-4-3-10
(1.3207) offers outstanding wear characteristics, but tends to be more
brittle. The materials X155CrVMo121 (1.2379) and S-6-5-2/S-6-10-2
(1.3343/44) represent a compromise concerning wear and toughness
characteristics: Their tempering resistance can also be considered to be
very good at 550°C. The most important criterion to be considered
when selecting a tool material is the type and extent of load, followed
by the layout and geometry of the die.
Table 6.7.3 provides a summary of the most commonly used tool
materials for cold and warm forming. The table also specifies the desig-
nations of comparable steels from the USA or Japan and their composi-
tions. Table 6.7.4 describes the heat treatment, i.e. the annealing tem-
Die design
Table 6.7.4: Heat treatment of cold, warm and hot forging tool steels
Die material II / Cold forging tool steels / Active components
No. Heat treatment (
°C) Hardness Cooling Application/hardness (HRC/N/mm
Tempering (customary)Water
1.2363 800-840 930-970 Ö,WB 400 180-400 60 +/–1 blanking/punching dies
1.2369 800-840 1,070-1,100Ö,WB 450-550 550 61 +/–1 punches, blanking/punching dies
1.2379 840-860 1,040-1,080Ö,L,WB 400 180-250 60 +/–1 punches, dies
1.2709 840 480 L – 55 shrink ring
1.2713 650-700 830-870 Ö 300-650 45 +/–1 P,Ö,(W) shrink/intermediate ring and
1.2714 650-700 860-900 L 300-650 45 +/–1 P,Ö,(W) pressure pin (53+/-1 HRC, 1,150 N/mm
1.2767 610-630 840-870 W,Ö,L 160-250 54 +/–1 punch, mandrel, one piece press container
1.3343 1,100-900 790-820 Ö,L,WB 550 540-560 62 +/–1 punch, die (insert), press container and
1.3344 1,100-900 770-820 Ö,L,WB 550 550-570 62 +/–1 counterpunch, mandrel
Die material II / Hot, warm forging tool steels / Active components
No. Heat treatment (
°C) Hardness Cooling Application/hardness
AnnealingHardening Tempering (customary)
1.2713 650-700 830-870 Ö 300-650 42 +2 P,Ö,(W) shrink/intermediate ring and
1.2714 650-700 860-900 L 300-650 42 +2 P,Ö,(W) pressure pin (52+2 HRC, 1,150 N/mm
1.2343 750-800 1,000-1,040L,Ö,WB 500-550 550-650 50 +2 W,P,Ö die (insert), shrink ring (45+/–1 HRC)
1.2344 750-800 1,020-1,060L,Ö,WB 500-550 550-650 50 +2 P,Ö mandrel and counterpunch
1.2365 750-800 1,020-1,060Ö,WB 500-550 500-670 50 +2 (W),L,P,Ö die (insert), punch and
1.2367 750-800 1,060-1,100L,Ö,WB 500-550 600-700 54 +2 (W),L,P,Ö counterpunch
1.2606 750-790 1,020-1,050Ö,L,WB 500-550 550-650 W,L,P,Ö
1.2622 760-800 1,150-1,200Ö,WB 500-550 500-650 56 +2 L,Ö blanking die
W = water WB = water bath
L = air
P = compressed air
Ö = oil
Metal Forming Handbook / Schuler (c) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998