Confirming Pages
212 CHAPTER 6 Digital Circuits
The first method is known as the sum-of-products method. It is based on the fact
that we can represent an output as a sum of products containing combinations of the
inputs. For example, if we have three inputs A, B, and C and an output X, the sum of
products would be a Boolean expression containing input terms AND-ed together to
form product terms that are OR-ed together to define the output X as a Boolean sum.
The following equation is an example of what a sum-of-products expression looks like:
If we form a product for every row in the truth table that results in an output of
1 and take the sum of the products, we can represent the complete logic of the table.
For rows whose output values are 1, we must ensure that the product represent-
ing that row is 1. In order to do this, any input whose value is 0 in the row must be
inverted in the product. By expressing a product for every input combination whose
value is 1, we have completely modeled the logic of the truth table because every
other combination will result in a 0.
The second method is known as the product-of-sums method. It is based on
the fact that we can represent an output as a product of sums containing combina-
tions of the inputs. For example, if we have three inputs A, B, and C and an output X,
the product of sums would be a Boolean expression containing input terms OR-ed
together to form sum terms that are AND-ed together to define the output X as a
Boolean product. The following equation is an example of what a product-of-sums
expression looks like:
X ABC++()ABC++()ABC++()⋅⋅=
If we form a sum for every row in the truth table that results in an output of 0
and take the product of the sums, we can represent the complete logic of the table.
For rows whose output values are 0, we must ensure that the sum representing that
row is 0. In order to do this, any input whose value is 1 in the row must be inverted
in the sum. By expressing a sum for every input combination (row) whose value is 0,
we have completely modeled the logic of the truth table because every other combi-
nation will result in a 1.
In performing binary arithmetic, the simplest operation is summing the two least significant
bits resulting in a sum bit and a carry bit. The four possible combinations for adding two bits
are shown below.
+1 +0 +1 +B
The last column shows the terminology used. The two input bits are labeled A and B, the
sum of the two bits is labeled S, and the carry bit, if there is one, is labeled C. Only in the last
case (1 1) is the carry bit 1; otherwise it is 0.
Sum of Products and Product of Sums
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