Confirming Pages
Figure 6.30 Interfacing TTL to digital devices.
5 V
1 kΩ
1 kΩ
5 V
output input
up to
10 TTL
234 CHAPTER 6 Digital Circuits
Figure 6.30 shows how to interface TTL to different combinations of digital ICs.
The output of a TTL device sinks current when it is low and sources current when
it is high. The TTL low sink current ( I
) is the limiting factor when interfacing to
multiple TTL inputs. A TTL output can drive up to 10 standard TTL inputs or up
to 40 Low-power Schottky (LS) TTL inputs. TTL outputs are easy to interface to
CMOS due to the insulating gate input, which draws no steady state current. It is
necessary only to ensure voltages match when connecting TTL outputs to CMOS
inputs. Referring back to Figure 6.22 , a TTL low output will match a CMOS low
input just fine. However, a TTL high may be as low as 2.7 V, which is not enough to
match the 3.5 V input required by CMOS. As shown in Figure 6.30 , using a pull-up
resistor on the TTL output will raise the output voltage above the 3.5 V required by
a CMOS input. The pull-up resistor must be large enough (e.g., 1 kΩ) that the TTL
low sink current ( I
) for the device is not exceeded. If power consumption is a con-
cern, the pull-up resistor can be even larger.
Figure 6.31 shows how to interface CMOS to different combinations of digital
ICs. A CMOS device neither sources nor sinks current at its input due to the insulat-
ing gate at the input. Therefore, CMOS can interface to multiple CMOS inputs. If
CMOS is powered by a 5 V supply voltage ( V
) and is used to drive TTL devices,
a CMOS high is no problem because the CMOS device can source enough current
to drive the TTL input. However, a CMOS low can sink only enough current to drive
one LS TTL input. A CMOS 4049 buffer can be used to provide adequate fan-out for
up to two standard TTL inputs or approximately 10 LS TTL inputs.
Section 7.8 provides additional information on how to interface TTL and
CMOS inputs and outputs to various types of devices. Although the material is spe-
cific to the PIC microcontroller, it applies to any TTL and CMOS device. Included
are interfaces to sensors, switches, keyboards, Schmitt triggers, power transistors,
and relays.
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