Сборник лекций, МГЛУ, Минск, 1997 год.
This course of lectures is meant for the students of English philology, beginners in the field of studies, mostly sophomores whose previous experience in linguistics includes only the introductory course of General Linguistics delivered in Russian during the first two semesters of studies. Lecture i
A framework for discussion
Language as an object of modelling
язык как объект моделирования Lecture ii
communicative linguistics
modelling of speech behavior
моделирование речевого поведения в коммуникативной лингвистике Lecture iii
the theory of speech acts and pragmalinguistics
теория речевых актов и прагмалингвистика Lecture iv
социолингвистика Lecture v
stylistics and rhetoric
стилистика и риторика Lecture vi
ethnolinguistics and ethnography of communication lecture vii
психолингвистика Lecture viii
methods in communicative linguistics
методы в коммуникативной лингвистике
This course of lectures is meant for the students of English philology, beginners in the field of studies, mostly sophomores whose previous experience in linguistics includes only the introductory course of General Linguistics delivered in Russian during the first two semesters of studies. Lecture i
A framework for discussion
Language as an object of modelling
язык как объект моделирования Lecture ii
communicative linguistics
modelling of speech behavior
моделирование речевого поведения в коммуникативной лингвистике Lecture iii
the theory of speech acts and pragmalinguistics
теория речевых актов и прагмалингвистика Lecture iv
социолингвистика Lecture v
stylistics and rhetoric
стилистика и риторика Lecture vi
ethnolinguistics and ethnography of communication lecture vii
психолингвистика Lecture viii
methods in communicative linguistics
методы в коммуникативной лингвистике