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  • размер 13,19 КБ
  • добавлен 01 апреля 2016 г.
Stemmer Brigitte. An On-Line Interview with Noam Chomsky: On the nature of pragmatics and related issues
Интервью, проведенное по электронной почте. 8 страниц. Дата неизвестна.
Предисловие интервьюера
When the idea of the special issue on pragmatics was bo, so was the idea to invite two scientists who have had a tremendous impact on the fields of linguistics and pragmatics: Noam Chomsky and John R. Searle. Both assured me that the project sounded extremely interesting and that they would love to be part of the project if it weren’t it for the fact that one of them was, meanwhile, diving into different spheres and the other one” committed for a long time to come, with deadlines looming and sometimes passing at a depressing rate.” I was not able to compete with the spheres but thanks to mode technology, looming deadlines could be beaten: some authors, the editor of the special issue as well as the editor of Brain and Language framed some questions which were sent to and readily discussed by Noam Chomsky via e-mail.