Сказки Шарля Перро на английском языке, иллюстрации Гарри Кларка,
предисловие Томаса Бодкина. Более 60 страниц, 11 цветных и 40
черно-белых иллюстраций.
Introduction by Thomas Bodkin.
Little Red Riding-Hood.
The Fairy.
Blue Beard.
The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood.
The Master Cat; or, Puss in Boots.
Cindarella; or, the Little Glass Slipper.
Riquet with Tuft.
Little Thumb.
The Ridiculous Wishes.
Little Red Riding-Hood.
The Fairy.
Blue Beard.
The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood.
The Master Cat; or, Puss in Boots.
Cindarella; or, the Little Glass Slipper.
Riquet with Tuft.
Little Thumb.
The Ridiculous Wishes.