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  • добавлен 05 декабря 2012 г.
Буніятова І.Р. Сучасний стан синтаксичної теорії речення та його витоки
// Вісник Київського лінгвістичного університету. Сер. Філологія. - 2001 г., т. 4, №1, стр. 74-85.
This paper is another attempt at reviewing the 20th century achievements in linguistic science. Following Prof. R.Robins approach, we assume that it was the structuralist and generative paradigms that provided the core theoretical models for language study in the century that has passed. Noam Chomsky’s contribution to syntactic studies, among others, is considered to be unique. Making sentence the focus of grammar theory, introducing formal mechanisms adequate to describe a vast complexity of natural languages took him to the forefront of the history of linguistics. 50 years of the generative paradigm domination is regarded in the context of its historical predecessors, the rationalist approach in the first place.
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