Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 13, No. I, pp. 1-14,
Knowledge management came for some as the proverbial bolt from the blue. This paper traces the history of knowledge management from its modest beginnings in the early~mid eighties to its current status, it shows that knowledge management is, to a certain extent, the logical next step in a sequence of societal developments that has already been going on for a very long time. The likely future of knowledge management is explored along four perspectives: The management practices perspective, the information technology perspective, the organizational efforts perspective and the development, supply and adoption rate perspective. The conclusion is that knowledge management methods and technologies will, until the tu of the century, be provided in a 'technology push ' manner. After that time a more 'demand pull' way is foreseen. For the average company the full operation period will probably be in the first quarter of the next century. And, as will happen with every new approach, it will become outdated somewhere in the second quarter of the next century.
Статья извесного экономиста Карла Виинга, напечатана в 1997 году.
Это краткий обзор системы управления знаниями на оригинальном (английском) языке, где вкратце изложены все основные положения управления знаниями на 14 стр.
Краткое содержание:
Определение понятия "управление знаниями", изложение особенностей дисциплины управление знаниями. Объяснение основных положений через экономическую и стратегическую модели. Эволюция даного понятия, преимущества использования системы управления знаниями и возможное ее развитие в будущем.
Knowledge management came for some as the proverbial bolt from the blue. This paper traces the history of knowledge management from its modest beginnings in the early~mid eighties to its current status, it shows that knowledge management is, to a certain extent, the logical next step in a sequence of societal developments that has already been going on for a very long time. The likely future of knowledge management is explored along four perspectives: The management practices perspective, the information technology perspective, the organizational efforts perspective and the development, supply and adoption rate perspective. The conclusion is that knowledge management methods and technologies will, until the tu of the century, be provided in a 'technology push ' manner. After that time a more 'demand pull' way is foreseen. For the average company the full operation period will probably be in the first quarter of the next century. And, as will happen with every new approach, it will become outdated somewhere in the second quarter of the next century.
Статья извесного экономиста Карла Виинга, напечатана в 1997 году.
Это краткий обзор системы управления знаниями на оригинальном (английском) языке, где вкратце изложены все основные положения управления знаниями на 14 стр.
Краткое содержание:
Определение понятия "управление знаниями", изложение особенностей дисциплины управление знаниями. Объяснение основных положений через экономическую и стратегическую модели. Эволюция даного понятия, преимущества использования системы управления знаниями и возможное ее развитие в будущем.