Cambridge University Press, 1996, 436 p.
Symbols and definitions
Kinematical electron diffraction
Reflection high-energy electron diffraction
Dynamical theories of RHEED
Resonance reflections in RHEED
Imaging surfaces in TEM
Contrast mechanisms of reflected electron imaging
Applications of UHV REM
Applications of non-UHV REM
Phonon scattering in RHEED
Valence excitation in RHEED
Atomic inner shell excitations in RHEED
Novel techniques associated with reflection electron imaging
Symbols and definitions
Kinematical electron diffraction
Reflection high-energy electron diffraction
Dynamical theories of RHEED
Resonance reflections in RHEED
Imaging surfaces in TEM
Contrast mechanisms of reflected electron imaging
Applications of UHV REM
Applications of non-UHV REM
Phonon scattering in RHEED
Valence excitation in RHEED
Atomic inner shell excitations in RHEED
Novel techniques associated with reflection electron imaging