Domain wall engineering in piezoelectric crystals 297
treatment was performed using an E-field, a higher E-field was required with
increasing temperature above T
. On the other hand, when a poling treatment
was performed using a uniaxial stress field, a smaller uniaxial stress field
was enough for obtaining as fully poled state with increasing temperature
above T
. This is because the BaTiO
crystal is ferroelectric and ferroelastic,
which suggested that uniaxial stress field is quite effective for poling treatment.
The above discussion revealed that the phase transition behavior from
cubic to tetragonal by temperature and uniaxial stress field was quite similar
because of the formation of the ferroelectric phase with randomly oriented
spontaneous polarization. On the other hand, the phase transition behavior
by E-field leads to the ferroelectric tetragonal phase with three oriented
polar directions. However, the phase transition from the cubic to the
intermediate phase with super-paraelectric state induced by temperature,
uniaxial stress field and E-field shows completely the same behavior. These
results suggested that above T
, the combination of uniaxial stress and E-
fields might be more effective for the poling of ferroelectric crystals. Thus,
the E-field for a poling treatment above T
can be reduced by the combination
of uniaxial stress-field and E-field drives.
In this poling process, (T
+ 3.5) °C was chosen as the poling temperature.
This is because at this temperature, it is impossible to pole the BaTiO
crystals using only an E-field owing to electric breakdown. Thus, two kinds
of poling treatments at (T
+ 3.5) °C were performed as follows, i.e. (a) a
lower uniaxial stress field below 10 µm and then a higher electric field above
10 kV/cm, and (b) a higher uniaxial stress field above 10 µm and then a
lower electric field below 10 kV/cm. Poling treatment (a) was performed
first, i.e. an apparent uniaxial stress field of 9 µm was applied to induce the
intermediate phase only, and after that, an electric field of 14 kV/cm was
applied to induce the ferroelectric phase with the oriented polar direction. As
a result, an almost fully poled state was achieved in the [111]
poled BaTiO
crystals, as shown in Fig. 10.34. The piezoelectric properties were measured
from Fig. 10.34. Figure 10.35 shows the domain configuration of the [111]
poled BaTiO
crystals. An average domain size in Fig. 10.35 was over 50 µm,
and two kinds of 90° domain configuration were clearly observed. Poling
treatment (b) was performed next, i.e. an apparent uniaxial stress field of
17 µm was applied to induce the coexistence of the intermediate and the
ferroelectric tetragonal phases, and after that, an electric field of 9.5 kV/cm
was applied to induce the ferroelectric phase. As a result, an almost fully
poled state was achieved for the [111]
poled BaTiO
crystals as shown in
Fig. 10.36. The piezoelectric properties were measured from Fig. 10.36. The
domain configuration by the poling treatment (b) was completely the same
as shown in Fig. 10.35. On the basis of the two impedance curves, the
piezoelectric constants for the [111]
poled BaTiO
crystals were determined
as shown in Table 10.3, when the d
value was measured using a d