Chapter 10
Exotic Options with Stochastic Volatilities
Exotic option is a common name for a number of options either with an uncon-
ventional payoff structure or with a complicated probability structure (i.e., path-
dependent options). There is a long list of financial derivatives belonging to this
class: barrier options, Asian options, correlation options, spread options, exchange
options, clique options etc. Most of them are generated in the course of the expan-
sion of the financial derivative business since the 1970s, and are referred to as second
generation options although some exotic options, for example, barrier options, are
as old as standard European-style options, and are traded in over-the-counter (OTC)
markets. Recently, this situation has somehow changed. The American Stock Ex-
change trades quanto options while the New York Mercantile Exchange provides
spread options.
With financial risks being understood better, exotic options are more and more
widely employed by financial institutions, big corporations and fund managers.
Some exotic options have already become commonplace in risk management due to
their case-orientated properties, and embedded and repackaged into bonds, swaps
and other instruments. Most investment certificates tailored to private investors usu-
ally constitute bonds and exotic options. Generally speaking, options with a com-
plicated exercise probability are path-dependent and therefore difficult to price. If
stochastic volatility, stochastic interest rate and random jump are present, Monte-
Carlo simulation is in most cases the single available and efficient way to price
exotic derivatives. However, in the Black-Scholes world, the closed-form pricing
formulas for most exotic options have been derived.
In this chapter, we attempt to incorporate stochastic volatilities, stochastic in-
terest rates and jumps into the pricing formulas for exotic options with Fourier
transform. Since it is impossible to deal with exotic option in the unified valuation
framework given in Chapter 9, we have to price every particular exotic option in a
modified model. Additionally, we do not handle all possible variants of exotic op-
tions and concentrate mainly on some typical representatives such as barrier options
and Asian options. We will first treat forward-starting options in Section 10.1, and
See Zhang (1997) for a comprehensive collection.
J. Zhu, Applications of Fourier Transform to Smile Modeling, Springer Finance,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-01808-4
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000, 2010