8.6 Empirical Performance of Various L
evy Processes 197
process is the direct specification of the distribution of the increments of the process,
for example, the gamma OU process in BNS (2001) and the finite moment logstable
process in Carr and Wu (2003a).
In this section we summarize some empirical results for these L
evy processes.
Particularly, comparative testings with respect to pure diffusion models and Poisson
jump models are carried out in some empirical studies. Some stylized results are
given in following.
1. The variance-gamma process and the NIG process have the similar performance
in pricing options. The test results based both on the statistic inference and on
the calibration (i.e. pure optimization) deliver the mean-square errors of a same
order. The equivalent performance should not be surprising since the marginal
distributions of both processes belong to the generalized hyperbolic distribution,
see Carr, Geman, Madan and Yor (2001).
2. Whenever the variance-gamma process and the NIG process are subordinated to a
same process, for example, to a mean-reverting square root process, they exhibit
the similar pricing performance, as shown in Schoutens, Simons and Tistaert
3. With respect to the valuation of exotic options, as reported by Schoutens, Simons
and Tistaert (2004), the paths dynamics of stochastic volatility models such as the
Heston model are more changeful than theses of L
evy jump models. This is in-
dicated by the fact that the prices of lookback options and down-and-in barrier
options with the Heston model are significantly higher than the prices with L
jump models although all models are equally good at the valuation of European-
style options. This result seems somehow surprising since it is always argued in
financial literature that L
evy jumps are born to generate fat tails and negative
skews in a distribution, and therefore would be also able to produce more ex-
treme events. One conclusion that we can draw from the large price deviations
between stochastic volatility models and L
evy jump models in the valuation of
path-dependent options, is that a good fitting of the terminal distribution for a
given maturity to market data for various models does not imply a same local
behavior of prices in these models. So far, to my best knowledge, there is no lit-
erature discussing the hedging performance of different L
evy jump models, and
carrying out the corresponding comparative studies to stochastic volatility mod-
els, in order to answer what type models may be preferred to in the valuation of
exotic options.
4. An empirical study of Huang and Wu (2004) investigated what type of jump
structure best describes the return and process movements within time changed
evy processes by using the market data of S&P index options. Their main result
is that the variance-gamma model and the finite moment logstable model outper-
form Poisson jump models. In other words, a L
evy process incorporating hight
frequency jumps may be better than the one incorporating low frequency jumps
in capturing the behavior of options. Therefore, Huang and Wu recommended
that an appropriate pricing model should incorporate L
evy jump components.
5. The finite moment log-stable model with the maximum negative skew is designed
to capture the down-sloping pattern (smirk) of volatility. However. due to its in-