8.2 Stochastic Clock Models 177
2. L
evy process is infinitely divisible,
f (
,L,t)= f
This property implies the self-similarity or the stability property of a L
evy pro-
There are various option pricing models based on L
evy processes which in turn
are described by various L
evy measures, for instance, the variance-gamma process.
Since a L
evy measure is generally a function, we can actually propose an infinite
number of L
evy processes. For practical applications, only L
evy measures allowing
for an analytical closed-form solution for the L
evy exponent could be of interest.
As long as the characteristic function of a particular L
evy process is analytically
known, we can apply the Fourier inversion to obtain the corresponding distribution,
and therefore also the pricing formula for European-style options. Carr, Geman,
Madan and Yor (2001) discussed various L
evy processes and their applications in
option pricing. Cont and Tankov (2004) provided a detailed mathematical treat-
ment of L
evy process in the connection with option theory. Schoutens, Simons and
Tistaret (2004) compared different L
evy processes and the associated model risks.
Carr and Wu (2004) extended stochastic time L
evy process with non-zero corre-
lation between stochastic time and the underlying L
evy process. Huang and Wu
(2004) examined the specification problems with respect to time-changed L
evy pro-
cesses. Wu (2006) presented an excellent overview on the financial modeling with
evy process. For more detailed discussions on L
evy process, please see Bertoin
(1996), Sato (1999) and Schoutens (2003).
In most financial literature, however, L
evy processes are implicitly referred to the
ones characterized only by infinite activity, even excluding Poisson jumps discussed
perviously. To avoid any confusion in this chapter, we refer to all jumps excluding
Poisson jumps in L
evy process as L
evy jumps in following.
8.2 Stochastic Clock Models
In this section, we discuss the so-called stochastic clock model, a commonplace
for a range of L
evy models that are generated by subordinating a Brownian motion
to another process. A subordinator is a process L(t) such that for all t,t > 0, we
have L(t) > 0. This means that a subordinator just maps a positive time to another
positive time, and virtually serves as a clock changing time stochastically. So any
model underlying this mechanism can be classified to a stochastic clock model.
The intuition behind the subordination of a Brownian motion with drift, which is
usually applied to model the dynamics of asset returns, is that the stochastic clock
may be considered as a cumulative measure of economic activity. If the clock runs
faster than usually, i.e., L(t) > t, larger variances in a stochastic clock model could
be generated than in the corresponding Gaussian model. In contrast, if the clock runs
slower than usually, i.e., L(t) < t, we could expect smaller variances in a stochas-