9.1 Stochastic Factors as Modules 205
In a comprehensive option pricing model, as shown in the previous chapters, we
have four types of stochastic factors to specify stock price dynamics where jumps
are classified as Poisson jumps and L
evy jumps for expositional reason. Since each
stochastic factor may be specified in some alternative ways, the number of possible
option pricing models is theoretically equal to the product of the number of pos-
sible specifications of each factor. Up to now, the most option pricing models are
separately developed, examined and implemented. It is certainly tedious and inef-
ficient to build up and discuss every possible model and to derive every possible
option pricing formula. On the other hand, each possible option pricing model may
be a good candidate to match steadily changing market environments, and to meet
the needs of financial practitioners. The specification issue of option pricing model
becomes much more important after various factors are separately successfully in-
corporated into option valuation formulas. In fact, instead of dealing with single
stochastic factor, we only need to establish a flexible framework as illustrated in
Table (9.1), to perceive new interesting models. As indicated in Chapter 2, we refer
to this building-block method as the modular pricing approach. With the help of
Fourier transform and the numerical techniques discussed in Chapter 4, the modular
pricing will work very efficiently and creates a clear and transparent structure for
the valuation of options.
Table (9.1) embraces many classical specifications for each stochastic factor in
financial literature and may be regarded as a summing-up of the most existing op-
tion pricing models, and at the same time provides some new models by specifying
factors in various ways. In details, we have the following particular specifications as
1. Stochastic Interest Rate (SI): We adopt four alternative specifications for short
rates, namely, deterministic as in the Black-Scholes model, a mean-reverting
square-root process as in the CIR model (1985b), a mean-reverting Ornstein-
Uhlenbeck process as in the Vasicek model (1977), as well as a double square
root process in the Longstaff model (1989). We consider here only one-factor
short rate models for simplicity. Extending them into multi-factor cases and
more generally affine term structure models as in Longstaff and Schwartz (1992a,
1992b), Duffie and Kan (1996), is straightforward, as long as the corresponding
zero-coupon bond pricing formula is analytically tractable.
2. Stochastic Volatility (SI): Similarly, the specification of volatility follows the
same alternatives: a constant volatility, a mean-reverting square-root process, a
mean-reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and a double square root process.
Again, the deterministic case corresponds to the Black-Scholes model. In He-
ston’s model, the most popular stochastic volatility model, variance instead of
volatility follows a square-root process, and a closed-form solution is available.
obel and Zhu (1999) extended Stein and Stein’s (1991) formulation with non-
zero correlation, and derived a closed-form pricing formula for options in the
case of a mean-reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Specifying volatility as
a double square root process is studied here for the first time and offers us an
alternative way to value options with stochastic volatility.