154 7 Poisson Jumps
ory, the Poisson process,
is perhaps a good alternative to describe some abnormal
events in financial markets. Merton (1976) first derived an option pricing formula
based on a stock price process generated by a mixture of a Brownian motion and
a Poisson process. In his interpretation, the normal price changes are, for example,
due to a temporary non-equilibrium between supply and demand, changes in capital-
ization rates, changes in the economic outlook, all of which have a marginal impact
on prices. Therefore, this normal component is modeled by a Brownian motion. The
“abnormal” component is produced by the irregular arrival of important new infor-
mation specific to a firm, an industry or a country, and has a non-marginal effect on
prices. This component is then modeled by a Poisson process. The best known ab-
normal event in finance history is the great crash of 1987. Empirical distributions of
stock returns display obvious leptokurtosis, and the implied volatilities for options
on the most widely used stock market indices perform remarkable “smile” pattern.
It seems that adding a random jump to the stock price process is important in deriv-
ing more realistic option valuation formulas and in fitting the empirical leptokurtic
distribution of stock returns. In this sense, the models with a jump component com-
pete with stochastic volatility models in smile modeling. Jorion (1988) reported that
96% of the total exchange risk and 36% of the total stock risk are caused by the
respective jump components. He also concluded that a jump-diffusion process out-
performs a GARCH model, a discrete version of some stochastic volatility models,
in describing the exchange rate process. Bates (1996) showed that in many cases it
is sufficient to reduce the volatility smile by using a jump-diffusion model. Bakshi,
Cao and Chen (1997) arrived at a similar result. All of these studies support the
argument that jump processes are important in option pricing theory. We define the
Poisson process formally.
Definition 7.1.1. A Poisson process is an adapted counting process Y(t) with the
following properties:
1. For 0 t
··· t
< ∞,Y(t
) −Y(t
),··· ,Y(t
) −Y(t
) are
stochastically independent;
2. For every t > s 0,Y(t) −Y (s) is Poisson distributed with the parameter
, i.e.,
P(Y(t) −Y(s)=n)=e
3. For each fixed
,Y (
,t) is continuous in t;
4. Y(0)=0 almost surely.
When compared with a Brownian motion, we can see that the only difference
between both processes is the probability law: One is governed by the normal dis-
tribution which is suitable for the description of continuous events, and the other
one is governed by the Poisson distribution which is good for counting discontinu-
ous events. Both processes have the properties known as independent and stationary
increments, and then belong to the class of L
evy process.
The first two central moments of Y(t) are identical and given as follows
The Poisson process is a continuous-time but not continuous-path process due to its jump prop-
We will address L
evy process more in details in the next chapter.