258 10 Exotic Options with Stochastic Volatilities
valuation of spread options is a proxy for the complexity of this pricing issue. The
earliest version of the pricing formula for spread options is a simple application of
the Black-Scholes formula by assuming that the spread between two asset prices fol-
lows a geometric Brownian motion, and is then referred to as one-factor model. The
limitations and problems of this extremely simplified model have been discussed by
Garman (1992). The two-factor model where the underlying assets follow two dis-
tinct geometric Brownian motions, respectively, and the correlation between them
is also permitted, requests calculating an integral over the cumulative normal dis-
tribution. Shimko (1994) developed a pricing formula for spread options incorpo-
rating stochastic convenience yield as an enhanced version of a two factor model.
Wilcox (1990) applied an arithmetic Brownian motion to specify the spread move-
ment. The resulting pricing formula, however, is inconsistent with the principle of
no arbitrage. Recently, Poitras (1998) modeled the underlying asset as an arithmetic
Brownian motion and constructed three partial differential equations (PDE) for two
underlying assets and their spread respectively to avoid the arbitrage opportunities
occurring in the Wilcox model. But the drawback of specifying asset price process
as an arithmetic Brownian motion still remains in his model. Hence, we are falling
in a dilemma: specifying asset prices as a geometric Brownian motion leads to dou-
ble integration in the pricing formula, while modeling asset prices as an arithmetic
Brownian motion makes it feasible to obtain a tractable pricing formula, but it is not
coherent with standard models for options. Exchange options can be considered as
a special case of spread options where the strike price is set to be zero. Due to this
contractual simplification, a simple pricing formula `alaBlack-Scholes for exchange
options can be derived (Margrabe, 1978). Product options and quotient options are
two other examples of correlation options and their valuations in a two-factor model
present no special difficulty by applying the bivariate normal distribution function.
However, it has not yet been studied how one can price them in an environment of
stochastic volatilities and stochastic interest rates.
In this section, we attempt to apply the Fourier transform technique to obtain
alternative pricing formulas for exchange options, product options and quotient op-
tions. The favorite feature of the Fourier transform is that it presents not only an
elegant pricing formula allowing for a single integration, but it also accommodates a
general specification of state variables, for example, stochastic volatilities, stochas-
tic interest rates and even jump components. By employing the martingale approach,
we can construct some new types of equivalent martingale measures that ensure the
absence of arbitrage in the risk-neutral valuation of quotient or product options.
However, as in the Black-Scholes world, we can not give a simple tractable pricing
formula for spread options incorporating stochastic volatility and stochastic interest
To incorporate stochastic volatilities into correlation options, we specify the asset
price process with two independent Brownian motions with stochastic volatilities
simultaneously, that is, the asset price processes take the following form,