chap-02 4/6/2004 17: 21 page 26
distinction as well because of the conceptual gap between the subject matter of homology
assessments in biological and mathematical contexts.
Biologists usually think about homology in terms of organismal parts or characters,
whereas mathematicians think about homology in terms of the individual loci (i.e. points)
on those parts. As biologists, our objective in choosing landmarks is to permit making
inferences about the regions between them – we are not interested in the landmarks per se,
but in the shapes of the morphological structures on which those landmarks lie. The role of
the landmarks is to pin down those structures at discrete points that we can recognize as the
same on all organisms. However, this means that our data are the landmarks, the individual
loci, and so we also need to think about the homology of those points. Fortunately, this is
not a wild conceptual leap. We recognize structures are homologous as structures because
they are discrete (distinct from other structures) and recognizable in all specimens. We can
apply the same criteria to intersections of structures (as at sutures), or to their centers, or
to their tips (ends). If discrete and recognizable structures are homologous as structures,
then discrete and recognizable locations on them are arguably homologous as points.
The mathematical framework for thinking about homology is the idea of a deformation,
which extends the correspondence of sampled points to unsampled points lying between.
Using a model of a deformation, such as the thin-plate spline (Chapter 6), we can draw a
picture of a change in shape that extends that change over the whole form, even though
we only sampled it at selected points. In that sense, the deformation imputes homology
to intervening points. For that reason, the mathematical models for deformations have
sometimes been termed “homology functions” (see, for example, Bookstein et al., 1985).
To understand this idea more fully, consider a sample of landmarks on a skull (Figure 2.1);
when looking at the results, we can see changes in the relative positions of landmarks that
imply changes in the proportions of structures sampled by them. We can visualize the
impact of those changes for the shape of the skull using the deformed grid that stretches
where regions are relatively enlarged and contracts where regions are relatively reduced.
A highly literal interpretation of that picture could make us uncomfortable because we do
not know where every single point on one skull is located on the other – we cannot read
the intersections of the grid, for example, as if they are at homologous anatomical loci.
However, we are not trying to impute homology to all those points; rather, we are inferring
changes in shape that are implied by the homologous landmarks. If we are willing to
consider that the structures, such as premaxilla and maxilla (and the sutures between them),
are homologous, and that the presphenoid, sphenoid and basisphenoid (and the sutures
between them) are also homologous, and that foramina are also homologous, we are
specifying correspondences among points. The mathematical analysis uses that information
to infer the changes in shape between the landmarks. If our sample of landmarks is sparse,
we have good reason to worry about inferring changes between them – interpolating from
sparse data is always a cause for concern. However, homology of points between the
landmarks we sample is not imputed or determined by the deformation; homology is
established in advance, by biological arguments. For a deformation to make mathematical
sense, the points in one form must correspond to the points in another.
Sometimes it may seem that points cannot be homologous, as in ontogenetic studies,
because bony tissue is added during growth. Thus the cells located at the suture between
bones at one developmental stage are not the ones found at that suture at another develop-
mental stage. Histologically, the points are not homologous, but it is nonetheless important