16.7 The principle of geostrophic adjustment 487
We observe that, unlike the inertial gravity waves, this type of wave is unidirectional
and propagating in the westward direction only, as is implied by the negative sign.
Therefore, we are dealing with a Rossby-type wave since all Rossby waves move
from east to west if the basic current
u = 0, as follows from (16.9). This section
originates from the work of Matsuno (1966).
16.7 The principle of geostrophic adjustment
In the previous chapter we considered the properties of the homogeneous atmo-
sphere by discussing the solution of the system (15.49). We found that the frequency
equation has three real roots. One of these represents the meteorologically inter-
esting wave moving with a speed c
, see (15.53), which is of the order of the wind
velocity. This is not an actual Rossby wave since the Coriolis parameter f was not
permitted to vary with latitude. Nevertheless, loosely speaking, we sometimes call
the slow-moving waves displaced with c
also Rossby waves. Had we permitted
f to vary with the coordinate y,
u would have had to be replaced by u − β/k
The remaining two roots resulted in the phase velocities c
of the external gravity
waves, see (15.55), moving at approximately the Newtonian speed of sound.
The solution of the predictive meteorological equations requires a complete
set of initial data. These observational data are usually measured independently
with a certain observational error. In contrast, the meteorological variables are
connected by a system of prognostic and diagnostic equations that must be satisfied
by the meteorological variables at all times, including the initial time. Owing to
observational errors, the initital data will introduce a perturbation, which cannot be
completely avoided. Observational evidence shows that the large-scale atmospheric
motion is quasi-geostrophic and quasi-static, implying a balance among the Coriolis
force, the pressure-gradient force, and the gravitational force. If this balance is
disturbed in some region by frontogenesis or by some other phenomenon, fast
wave motion is generated and perturbation energy is exported to other regions of
the atmosphere. After a period of adjustment the quasi-balance is restored. In fact,
this process of adjustment operates continually to maintain a state of approximate
geostrophic balance.
Let us reconsider the linearized shallow-water equations assuming that we have
a resting basic state. From (15.23b) with φ
= 0 and from (15.27b) we obtain
− fv
+ fu
= 0
We could have found this equation also from (15.66) by replacing β by f .Inorder
to simplify the notation, the primes on u, v,andφ will be omitted henceforth. Note