452 The barotropic model
which may be rewritten as
+ J
ψ, ∇
ψ + f
= 0
This equation and the balance equation (15.67b) constitute the prognostic system
of the filtered model. The entire prognostic process is taken care of by the vorticity
equation (15.71) with the prediction variable ψ. Since only ψ appears, one must
solve a Poisson equation for each time step. Equation (15.67b) is used only if
information about the pressure field which is represented by the geopotential field
is desired.
Because the filtered model does not permit the appearance of noise processes
there is no exchange of potential and kinetic energy. Therefore, in a materially
closed region the total kinetic energy must be conserved. Which energetic changes
are still possible in the filtered model? Apparently only those processes which
redistribute kinetic energy between waves and vortices of differing dimensions are
permitted. Charney et al. (1950) used (15.71) to carry out successfully numerical
Summarizing, we may say that the unfiltered and the filtered barotropic models
are different in principle. Therefore, it is quite surprising that these two models
produce nearly the same predictions. This justifies the filtering of noise waves.
15.4 Barotropic instability
15.4.1 Shearing instability as a limiting case of barotropic instability
Again we consider the previous case in which the constant-density barotropic fluid
is embedded between two plane-parallel plates so that the horizontal divergence
= 0. We must imagine that the pressure variation is imposed at the top of the
model. We assume that the basic current is directed parallel to the positive x-axis
and that the region of flow along the y-axis extends to infinity in the positive and
negative directions as shown in Figure 15.3. Between y =−a and y = a the model
assumes that we have a linear wind shear, thus dividing the flow region into three
subregions. Since the basic current is in the x-direction, in each of the three regions
the mean geopotential
,j= 1, 2, 3, cannot vary in the x-direction, otherwise
there would be a mean flow in the y-direction. Again the Coriolis parameter is
held constant within the entire region. It should be expected that a disturbance of
the flow field will occur in the shear region. For the three regions j = 1, 2, 3the