15.5 The mechanism of barotropic development 467
Fig. 15.8 Meridional transport of momentum, ∂u
/∂y < 0.
(see Figure 15.6) since the factor multiplying sin(ky) remains positive. The largest
contribution occurs at ky = π/2. The situation is displayed schematically in
Figure 15.8. To illustrate, let us consider the flow at points (a, c) and (b, d). In both
cases u
< 0, so the zonal mean of u
is also less than zero. The central part
of Figure 15.8 repeats the situation of case I, in which the meridional transport of
momentum vanishes. Consider the points (A, C) and (B, D) in the lower section of
Figure 15.8. In both cases we have u
> 0, so the zonal mean of u
is also larger
than zero. In summary, the situation is characterized by ∂
/∂y < 0. Thus, for the
configuration of the perturbed part of the flow field shown in Figure 15.8 the zonal
kinetic energy increases with time due to the meridional transport of momentum.
This leads to the formation of a jet stream. Referring to Figure 15.4, this situation
expresses barotropic stability.
From energy balances it follows that the real (baroclinic) atmosphere in the
majority of cases is barotropically stable. Friction would cause the western flow to
slow down if kinetic energy of the perturbations were not transferred to the kinetic
energy of the basic current. To state it differently, barotropic stability is an essential
requirement for the maintenance of the westward wind drift. All barotropic models
exhibit the tendency of zonalization.
(iii) k
+ k
In this case L
and L
are not small in comparison with the wavelength of the basic
current. Now the term multiplying sin(ky) in (15.134) is negative. The contributions
of the basic current and the perturbations to the phase velocity occur with opposite
signs, in contrast to the previous case. Therefore, the disturbance has the opposite
shape, as shown in Figure 15.9. According to (15.135) this results in a depletion of
the zonal kinetic energy and in an accumulation of K
. According to Figure 15.4
this corresponds to barotropic instability. This situation is relatively rare and occurs
only in connection with large wavelengths of the disturbances. It is known that this
type of process contributes to the formation and maintenance of blocking highs.