7 Non-Newtonian Fluid and Flow
7.2.4 Viscometric Flow in Rheometry
Through the determination of material functions, we have discussed vis-
cometric (or rheometric) flows that are equivalent to steady (or unsteady)
simple shear flows, such as Couette flows, and shearfree flows, such as
elongational flows. In this section, we shall pay more attention to practical
measurements that determine those material functions, specifically the vis-
cosity, the two normal stress differences, and the elongational viscosity.
The time-dependent material functions of kinematically variable vis-
cometric flows and shearfree flows may be readily established from the
time independent rheometric flows although, in practice, in precision
measurements they are not at all easy a matter to achieve. As we have re-
stricted material functions in non-Newtonian fluids, the fluids are assumed
to be incompressible and isothermal. There are only two cases of typically
studied flow configurations (in a sense that they are most widely utilized
as practical rheometric measurements) that are considered in this section.
(i) The cone and plate rheometer
That is probably the most popular geometry for rheological measure-
ments of viscoelastic fluids. It is usually used for measuring the shear vis-
cosity and the first normal stress difference simultaneously. Additionally,
the second normal stress difference can be determined from the relation-
2NN , a value of which is measurable by means of measuring the
pressure distribution across a plate. An ideal cone and plate arrangement is
illustrated in Fig. 7.12(a). A more practical arrangement in an actual
rheometer is also displayed for a reference. In order to recognize the use-
fulness of a practical arrangement in Fig. 7.12(b), it is worth noting that
the reason for utilizing a truncated cone is to avoid frictional torque at the
contact with the plate, and with which it becomes easier to set the correct
gap as required by the geometry of Fig. 7.12(a). The sample fluid is then
placed in the space between the truncated cone and cup.
In order to verify the measuring principle, we shall look the basic ar-
rangement of the cone and plate. As shown in Fig. 7.12(a), a spherical co-
ordinates system
, ,r is used to analyze the flow field, assuming that
the cone is rotated at the angular velocity (either the cone or the plate
can be rotated) at a symmetric axis. Due to the rotational symmetry,
components become identically zero and as the corn angle
is taken to
be very small, i.e. approximately in a range where
3 0 d
, the flow
can be regarded as a narrow gap flow, namely with the condition of the ve-
u of the fluid that can be treated as
u,0,0 u . The velocity