720 Diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
between the cam and the at-faced follower is counter-formal (unlike the
conformal contact in the engine bearings), the contact pressure is much higher
and the oil lm thickness is much lower than that in the engine bearings.
In boundary lubrication, the friction is affected by the solid materials and
lubricant additives which are related to the reaction lm formed on the
contact surface asperities. The properties of the bulk lubricant are of minor
importance and the coefcient of friction is essentially independent of oil
viscosity, load, speed, and apparent area of contact. The friction coefcient
depends on the nature of the boundary lubricant, which may become less
effective at higher temperatures. The boundary lubrication friction force
is proportional to the load. High wear occurs in boundary lubrication. In
the mixed lubrication regime, the cam–follower contact characteristics are
determined by a combination of thin-lm and boundary lubrication effects.
In this regime, the physical properties of the bulk lubricant and the chemical
properties of the boundary lubricant are all important. High oil lm thickness
may reduce friction. Higher engine speed promotes the elastohydrodynamic
lubrication and weakens boundary lubrication at the cam–follower interface so
that the overall friction coefcient reduces when the engine speed increases,
as veried by Teodorescu et al. (2002). Their measurement showed that
for a pushrod valvetrain with a at-faced follower in a four-stroke diesel
engine, the coefcient of friction at the cam–follower interface (including
the follower–bore friction) decreases linearly from 0.11 at 700 rpm engine
speed to 0.073 at 1700 rpm.
The valvetrain component loading and velocity exhibit strong instantaneous
varying characteristics within an engine cycle. For example, at the cam–
follower interface, the load at low speeds is mainly the valve spring force
which peaks at the cam nose, while the load at high speeds is dominated by
the dynamic inertia force which may vibrate violently from valve opening
to closing. The contact sliding velocity also has its own unique kinematic
characteristics. All these factors affect the lubricating oil lm thickness and
the lubrication regime with a strong instantaneously varying characteristic,
and affect the cycle-average value of the friction force. Teodorescu et al.
(2002) provided the experimental data for the instantaneous friction force
of each major component of a pushrod valvetrain in a diesel engine.
The relative proportions of the contribution from each component to
the overall valvetrain friction are dependent on designs. For example, the
contribution from the cam–follower friction can be dominant for a direct acting
OHC with a at-faced follower. The contribution from its large camshaft
bearing is also important. In this case, the overall valvetrain friction force at
low speeds is dominated by the mixed/boundary lubrication characteristics of
the cam–follower interface. The overall valvetrain friction force at high speeds
may be largely inuenced by the hydrodynamic lubrication characteristics
of the camshaft bearings. On the other hand, if a roller follower is used for
a valvetrain, the mixed/boundary lubrication characteristics of the overall
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