Originally constructed from 1927-30, Saluda Dam is owned and
operated by South Carolina Electric & Gas Company. It is a 64m
high, 2388m long semi-hydraulic earthll structure made from locally
obtained silty clay and sandy silt. This construction method resulted
in a relatively low density embankment with extensive zones of inter-
nal saturation.
In the 1980s, a series of geotechnical investigations were under-
taken to assess the safety of the original dam, particularly under seis-
mic loading. Analysis indicated that the dam could be susceptible
to liquefaction failure during large earthquakes. A major portion
of the embankment could fail if an earthquake similar to the 1886
Charleston event were to occur again.
It was decided that the dam required remediation of some kind to
resist such an event. The primary objectives of this were to prevent
catastrophic ooding downstream of the dam, and to ensure safe
shutdown of the facilities, including lowering the water level of Lake
Murray in a controlled manner.
After considerable evaluation of alternatives, the remediation con-
cept was developed as a backup dam immediately downstream of
the existing earth embankment. The original dam remains in place
and functions as the primary water impounding structure for Lake
Murray. The backup dam will become a water retention structure if
the original dam ever fails. It is also the rst time a dam of this size has
been so extensively modied under a virtually full reservoir head. This
minimised economic and environmental impacts to the local area.
Approximately ve million cubic yards of rock ll and aggregate
were required to construct the backup dam, which consists of a com-
bination RCC gravity section and two rockll embankments. These
required an on-site rock quarry, with a large crushing plant, stock-
piles, and concrete mixing facilities. In order to ensure the safety of
the original dam during construction, an extensive dewatering pro-
gramme was required.
The backup dam itself had two seismic instruments installed, one
in the foundation and another on the crest of the RCC section. New
vibrating wire piezometers were installed in the foundation of the
RCC section to monitor uplift pressures should the dam ever be called
upon to retain Lake Murray. A network of reference benchmarks
were installed on site, and survey monuments were installed on the
crest of the backup dam to allow precise deformation and settlement
measurements. The back-up dam was completed in 2005.
Severe internal erosion damage with crest subsidence on the left abut-
ment followed an earthquake at New Zealand’s Matahina dam on 2
March 1987. The epicentre of the earthquake was only 23km from the
dam, and emergency drawdown of the reservoir prevented failure.
The 85m high dam is located on the Rangitaiki river in the North
Island. This earthquake-induced internal erosion damage needs to be
understood in context of an earlier incident at the dam.
During the nal stages of lake lling at the construction site in
January 1967, a large temporary increase in ow was observed from
the drainage blanket. Approximately two weeks later an erosion
cavity appeared on the crest downstream of the core in the right abut-
ment area. It was found that the core had cracked adjacent to a 1.8m
wide bench in the abutment at a depth of 12m below the crest. It was
concluded that the erosion had occurred where a large boulder had
been placed against the abutment creating an unprotected exit. The
area was repaired and performed satisfactorily until 1987.
After the earthquake the initial damage appeared minor. There was
transverse cracking at each abutment, minor spreading of the crest,
moderate deformation of the rockll and a small initial increase in
ow from the earth dam drainage blanket.
Although observations indicated the damage was supercial, in
light of the 1967 incident, a comprehensive monitoring and investi-
gation programme was initiated. It was concluded that core cracking
and internal erosion had occurred but that it was not known if this
was caused by the earthquake or predated it. On 17 December 1987,
while investigations were in progress, an erosion cavity appeared at
the surface above the area of damaged inner transition. This was con-
rmation that internal erosion had occurred and was continuing.
Over the next few days, the lake was lowered in a number of stages
as uctuating piezometer measurements indicated continuing erosion.
It was concluded that cracking of the core and inner transition had
occurred prior to the earthquake and probably during lake lling in
1967. (A few hours after the 1967 leakage ows had peaked, a second
but smaller peak occurred. A possible explanation for the second peak
is that it was due to cracking and leakage on the left abutment).
The dam was repaired in 1988 but did not address the prevention
of internal erosion in the dam away from the dam abutments. This
was rectied during major re-building of the dam in 1996-98.
Lessons learned from the experiences at Matahina dam are sum-
marised here:
r The availability of design, construction and performance informa-
tion, together with personnel familiar with it was essential in the
earthquake emergency and the investigations that followed.
r The six-yearly dam safety examinations provided the means for a
new generation of engineers to become familiar with the dam. The
dam safety report completed before the earthquake correctly iden-
tied the main features of the dam’s subsequent post-earthquake
r As the dam was operated below its normal generation level after the
earthquake the monitoring information from the 1967 lake lling
was the only precedent information available and demonstrated the
importance of these records.
r Internal erosion can be a rapid process or a slow process over
many years.
r At intensities above MM7 many people are affected by shock,
including dam operational staff. Shock may prevent staff from
carrying out planned post earthquake procedures. Relief staff are
required on site to continue dam inspections and operations.
r Duplicate power sources for the spillway gates are essential and
have become commonplace. At Matahina external power was una-
vailable and the station generators had tripped off. It was a few
hours before river ows could be passed again.
The near failure of Swinging Bridge dam in New York state, US was
the result of a condition that had been recognised and understood.
However, the criticality of the condition was not recognised until a
sinkhole had formed at the dam. The damage that nally manifested
itself was the result of 75 years of accumulated distress.
There are number of other ageing dams in the US, many with a
history of problems. But when monitoring problematic dams, when
is enough enough? How does the team of owner, regulator, engineer,
and contractor determine when major and costly rehabilitations are
needed before failure occurs? And how do these decisions get made
without undertaking work that may not be needed?
A failure of Swinging Bridge dam would have major consequences.
A ood wave would incrementally increase the river level by 7.6m
before reaching the community of Port Jervis, 30km downstream.
The ood wave would travel over 241km downstream before its
effect was attenuated, resulting in cascading dam failures with major
consequences in the Delaware Valley.
Constructed from 1927-30 on the Mongaup river, Swinging Bridge
dam is an earth embankment, 304m long with a maximum height of
41m. There are two powerhouses with separate water conveyance
structures. An approximately 213m long, low-level conduit was con-
structed through the base of the embankment as part of the original
construction and is founded on glaciated alluvium.
A sinkhole was observed on 5 May 2005 along the upstream edge
of the crest of the dam, directly over the low-level conduit servicing
unit 1. Although reservoir levels had been within normal ranges in the
weeks preceding the sinkhole formation, the project had experienced
back-to-back ooding events in late March and early April, with the
record ood event at the site occurring on 3 April 2005.
Cracking of the crest access road extended approximately 27m east
and west of the sinkhole, indicating that the effect of the disturbance