Here you will find details on some of the executive appointments made by companies within the hydro power and dams industry
over the past few months. To submit details of appointments for publication in a future issue of the magazine,
please send an email to the editor, Carrieann Stocks, at:
Run of River Power appoints
President and CEO
Run of River Power Inc has
appointed Richard Hopp as
President and Chief Executive
Ofcer. Hopp comes to the posi-
tion from the Company’s Board
of Directors, where he has been
an independent member since his
appointment in April 2006.
“We are extremely pleased to
welcome Rick to the position of
CEO,” said William Hardwick,
Chairman of the Board of Directors.
“His proven track record in global
renewable power generation and
close relationship with ROR
Power make him the ideal candi-
date to lead the Company to the
next level.”
Hopp has over 30 years of expe-
rience in the energy marketing
and power development sectors.
Most recently, he served as Vice
President, Business Development
for Elemental Energy Inc. He
is a technical advisor to Clean
Energy BC (formerly Independent
Power Producers Association of
British Columbia). He has a BSc
in Applied Economics from the
University of British Columbia
(1978) and a Master of Public
Administration from the University
of Victoria (1981).
Sutherland Partner appointed
Chair of American Bar
Association’s Electricity
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP
announces Partner Dorothy B.
Franzoni has been appointed, effec-
tive 1 September 2010, as the Chair
of the Electricity Committee of the
American Bar Association’s Section
of Public Utility, Communications
and Transportation Law (PUCAT).
“We are proud of Dorothy
and celebrate this appointment,”
said Energy and Environmental
Practice Group Leader Herbert
J. Short, Jr. “Dorothy has played
an integral role in our Energy and
Environmental Practice and to our
electric industry clients. Dorothy
wi ll pro vid e the Ele ctr ici ty
Committee with invaluable insight
about the various issues facing
businesses within the electric
power industry.”
The Electricity Committee
reports to the section council on
regulatory and other legal develop-
ments in the rapidly changing elec-
tric power industry. These include
the initiatives of federal regulators
and others to foster a competi-
tive market for wholesale power,
both state and federal actions that
affect retail electricity markets and
the mergers, joint ventures, and
other business restructuring activ-
ity taking place in the industry. The
Committee also monitors decisions
that concern rates, hydroelectric
licensing, and other current issues.
The section initiates ABA program-
ming and activities in these areas,
as well as recommending policies
to the ABA House of Delegates, the
association’s policy-making body.
PUCAT brings together mem-
bers of the bar interested in the
rapidly changing legal environ-
ment in the communications,
cable TV, internet, electricity, gas,
oil pipelines, aviation, motor car-
riers, railroads, and water indus-
tries. The third oldest Section in
the ABA, the Section was estab-
lished in 1917 when public inter-
est demanded regulation of these
elds. The Section currently has
approximately 7,000 members.
Franzoni i s a p a r t n e r i n
S u t h e r l a n d ’ s E n e r g y a n d
Environmental Practice Group and
co-chair of Sutherland’s Renewable
and Alternative Energy Team.
Tri-Tech Holding Announces
New Senior Executive
Mr. Gavin Cheng has been named
co-president of Tri-Tech, responsi-
ble for the company’s general opera-
tions in Chin, with Mr. Hongzhi Ma
appointed deputy general manager
of Tri-Tech’s subsidiary company
Beijing Yanyu Water Tech Co., Ltd.
(Yanyu). He will be responsible for
Yanyu’s business development of
water resource management and
environmental business activities.
Cheng has more than 20 years
experience in the elds of produc-
tion safety and industrial pollution
control. He has been focused on
production safety automation for
the oil, gas and petrochemical indus-
tries, including the development of
technology for industrial environ-
mental pollution controls. He is also
an expert in product integration and
project implementation.
Before joining Tri-Tech,Cheng
served as president of Beijing
Satellite Science & Technology Co.
(BSST), which was acquired by Tri-
Tech in August 2010.
Cheng founded BSST in 1994
and has been president since then.
From 1987 to 1993, he worked
on R&D and project manage-
ment at the Beijing Test & Control
Technology Institute of the
Aeronautics Ministry. He gradu-
ated from Nanjing University of
Aeronautics and Astronautics in
1987 with Bachelor of Engineering
and Master of Engineering degrees.
He received his Executive MBA
from Peking University in 2001.
Ma is an expert in water resource
management and water pollu-
tion control with more than 10
years experience. He was a par-
ticipant in the national key sci-
entific and technological project
“Research on Carrying Capacity
of Water Resources,” where he
won the second place award for
“Technology Development” at pro-
vincial and ministerial levels. He has
successfully completed several river
basin and provincial water consul-
tation system projects as well as the
installation of state and provincial
information management systems
for drought prevention projects.
Ma is also experienced in planning
and managing water resources and
environmental projects. He is famil-
iar with the GIS platform and MIS
development and applications.
Prior to Tri-Tech, Ma founded
Beijing Tianfuqin Technology,
Ltd. in 2007 and served as general
manager, he founded and served
from 2001 to 2007 as general man-
ager of Beijing Huitu Information
& Technology, Ltd. He was a
lecturer at the Department of
Water Resource and Hydropower
Engineering at Tsinghua University
from 1998 to 2001. He graduated
in 1998 from the Water Resource
and Hydropower Department
at Tsinghua University, with a
Bachelor of Engineering in hydrau-
lic architecture and a Master of
Engineering in hydrology and
water resources.
Management appointments
at SKM
Global engineering, sciences and
project delivery firm Sinclair
Knight Merz (SKM) has announced
several appointments to its senior
management team. Geoff Linke has
been appointed General Manager,
Strategy after several success-
ful years as General Manager,
Water & Environment. Linke has
more than 25 years experience in
project management, investigation
and engineering of water resource
and land management projects,
and has lled a range of business
leadership roles at SKM over the
past 10 years.
Mark Clarke has been appoint-
ed General Manager, Water &
Environment. He was previously
General Manager, Power & Energy
and remains a Director of the SKM
Management and SKM Holdings
Boards. Clarke has 25 years expe-
rience in the power, water, heavy
industrial and mining industries.
In particular, he has worked with
water and power utilities on most
aspects of their business. Prior to his
role in the Power & Energy port-
folio, Mr Clarke was COO, Asia,
based in Kuala Lumpur.
Patrick Hill has been named
General Manager, Power &
Energy. He was previously Regional
Manager, Western Australia/
Northern Territory. Since joining
SKM, he has held process engi-
neering, project management and
site commissioning roles on major
water infrastructure projects. Prior
to his appointment to regional man-
agement, Hill managed the integra-
tion and leadership of SKM’s three
Water & Environment Operation
Centres in South East Australia.
Additionally, he has held key alli-
ance leadership roles on major
projects in the Utilities and Energy
sectors. Most recently, he has served
as a member of the Project Board on
Chevron’s Gorgon LNG project. In
2007, Mr Hill was named National
Young Professional Engineer of the
Year by Engineers Australia.