The report did not consider the full potential for larger high head
schemes as they may have greater environmental impact, and cannot
be readily identied using geographic information systems at the scale
employed in this project. Small-scale high head hydropower also lies
outside the remit of this work, but could be within the scope of future
projects. These schemes in particular may be attractive as they present
lower risks for sheries.
The EA is keen to point out that the project and data are not
intended to replace any part of an individual site assessment, which
is necessary for full scheme appraisals. Its aim is to inform and not
replace other assessments. Furthermore, the methodology used in the
report is not intended for use in individual site applications.
Once sites had been identied within the mapping project, hydro-
power opportunity was calculated using height and ow data. Then
shery and protected areas data was used to assess environmental
sensitivity. Almost half (46%) of barriers are classied as highly sen-
sitive, mainly due to the presence of migratory sh species such as
salmon and eel. About a quarter (26%) of the barriers are medium
and low, while the remainder are unclassied due to a lack of data.
However, there are considerably more environmentally compatible
opportunities when the EA assumes that a new scheme has a sh pass
built on it. As a separate exercise the EA identied what it calls ‘win-
win’ schemes. These are dened as providing a good hydropower
opportunity and, with the introduction of a sh pass, will increase the
status of sh population and improve sh passage. Over 4000 win-
win sites were identied, representing about half of the total power
potential (580MW). The EA believes that grants for such sh passes
could help to unlock this potential.
The opportunity maps showed clear clustering of hydro potential in
upland areas of England and Wales. Indeed all regions, except East
Anglia, show signicant potential. Wales has a theoretical potential
of 396MW with the most important English regions being the north-
west (196MW) and Yorkshire and Humber (179MW). Particular
concentrations of win-win opportunities are available along the
Rivers Severn, Thames, Aire and Neath.
Out of an assessment of 25,935 barriers there is a total estimat-
ed potential capacity of nearly 1200MW.This could provide up to
3660GWh/yr or 1% of the UK’s projected electricity demand in
2020. However, as the EA stresses, in reality the feasible potential
will only be a fraction of this gure due to access to local electricity
distribution networks and environmental constraints. The average
maximum power generation estimated on a barrier was 45kW.
In the conclusion to its report on the project work the EA says: “We
hope that the evidence this project provides will ultimately allow us to
develop a strategic approach to the deployment of small scale hydro-
power in England and Wales, that maximises energy generation whilst
ensuring the natural environment is protected and enhanced.”
David Williams, chief executive of the British Hydropower
Association (BHA), gave a nod of approval for the EA’s work. “The
sensitivity mapping report shows the Environment Agency’s commit-
ment to developing renewable energy whilst protecting the environ-
ment,” he said. “The BHA welcomes this stance and looks forward
to helping with the development of hydropower at all suitable sites, in
conjunction with the installation of sh passes where evidence shows
they are necessary.”
Although the Environment Agency believes that small hydro has a
limited role to play in renewable energy production, it is still none the
less very important. Despite what it calls small gures for theoretical
maximum power potential (1178MW), the EA believes hydro offers
a number of advantages: it is a reliable and proven technology and
is attractive to local communities. Indeed, hydro is also becoming
increasingly attractive to those committed to meeting green power
In order to meet ‘extremely ambitious’ government targets of gen-
erating 15% of UK energy supplies from renewables by 2020, it has
been suggested that 31% of electricity will need to be renewable.
“This means,” the EA says, “that we will need to exploit all available
renewable energy sources to their sustainable maximum.”
And this is where hydropower can prove its worth. As illustrated
by the EA’s mapping study, hydropower could theoretically produce
3% of the country’s renewable energy needs by 2020. In the scale of
things this may prove to be a small contribution, but it will pack a big
punch in the battle against climate change.
Summary of hydro potential
mapping results for England
and Wales
Total number of barriers
– In England
– In Wales
21,823 (782MW)
4112 (396MW)
Maximum power potential/MW 1178
Average maximum power potential/kW 45
Number of potential win-win opportunities 4190
Number of low environmental sensitivity opportunities 1092
Number medium environmental sensitivity opportunities 5631
Number of high environmental sensitivity opportunities 12,040
British Hydropower Association:
deeply involved in UK
hydropower development
Hydropower in Britain has not enjoyed as much development for the last sixty
years as it is now. The Renewable Obligation introduced in 2002 and the new
feed-in-tariff for projects up to 5MW have provided the right incentive on which
energy generation, manufacturing and the provision of services can ourish.
The British Hydropower Association’s role in the UK’s hydropower
development has involved lobbying on policy and regulatory matters and the
development of good practice and guidance in the implementation of the
various policies and procedures. By far the largest area of work has been in
environmental issues especially in the protection of sh and sh stocks at
new and refurbished hydro installations and maintenance of water quality
under the terms of the European Water Framework Directive.
Perversely, the easier it has become to develop new hydro projects, the
more difcult and protracted the environmental regulation has become. All
three environment agencies in Britain – the Environment Agency (in England
& Wales), the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and the Northern
Ireland Environment Agency – have struggled to handle the increase in licence
applications which were virtually none-existent four years ago. This is now
more of a problem with the new national government’s cost-cutting exercises
which will inevitably lter down to the devolved governments and assemblies.
The BHA has been seeking to help via direct meetings and responses to
consultations designed to help streamline the consenting process. With
regard to sh protection and water quality and general ecological matters,
there has also been considerable dialogue with the agencies to dene actual
requirements, the need for further evidence testing and specic guidance for
all stakeholders to lead to clear regulation and its implementation.
The development of hydropower is seen as being signicant in the county’s
renewable energy mix. With a present installed conventional hydropower
capacity of approximately 1500MW (4920GWh) the Department of Energy and
Climate Change has issued a target for 2020 of 2130MW (6,360GWh) an
increase of 42%. Recent studies have indicated that there is remaining viable
potential well within this target – the challenge now is to build it in a highly
regulated sector. This is where the British Hydropower Association and its
members having expertise in all aspects of hydropower development will be
active in the forthcoming years.