The team is led by Ron Bridle of Dam Safety, who has appointed
Ian Carter of MWH, Alan Brown of Jacobs, and Dr Jean-Jacques
Fry, Head of Reservoir Safety at EDF, France to a specially formed
Chasewater review panel.
The panel provides technical insight and academic challenge, and is
supported by geo-technical, geological and water chemistry expertise
from Adrian Jones of MWH, plus Simon Hake and Rob Reuter of
Wardell Armstrong.
Bringing all this together and bridging the academic and technical
gap between engineers and the council has been Rob Travis of Travis
Baker Associates, the council’s consulting engineer. David Brown of
British Waterways acts as the reservoir’s supervising engineer.
Ryszard Kawak of Townsend and Renaudon has accepted the most
difcult task of estimating and controlling the construction costs of
the emerging designs.
To ensure that the council operates within conservation legislation
and to minimise the negative impact on the area, Penny Anderson
Associates has been appointed to advise and implement appropriate
mitigating actions.
To meet contemporary standards, Chasewater needs to be able to
withstand the effects of a 1 in 10,000 storm. A report by Jacobs sug-
gested that in the event of a probable maximum ood, ows into
the reservoir would peak at around 77m
/sec, compared with an
existing discharge capacity of just 10m
/sec, causing the water to rise
uncontrollably, and overtop the reservoir’s western embankments
and eastern dam.
To improve the overow capacity, an extra culvert is to be installed
in the railway causeway that divides the two parts of the reservoir.
This should remove the threat to the western embankments.
Further downstream, the main overow structure is to be exten-
sively remodelled and extended into the SSSI to ensure that it will
be able to discharge the volume of ow expected during a period of
heavy rain.
These works ought to ensure that the reservoir will be able to with-
stand the worst weather imaginable in this part of the UK.
But the solution for internal erosion has been more difcult to deter-
mine, so a series of detailed tests were conducted. These have included
two erosion measurement tests on core samples taken from the dam.
The hole erosion test (HET) and the jet erosion test (JET) were car-
ried out by Geo-Consult in France, under the supervision of Dr Jean-
Jacques Fry. The results showed the dam is an unzoned heterogeneous
earthern embankment comprising mixed alluvial and glacial materials
(including sands, gravels clays and some peat) and colliery spoil. This
knowledge has helped the team to predict the behaviour of the dam,
and importantly provide an insight into how it might erode and fail.
The results also showed that pore pressures in the dam, and hydro-
logical gradients were not too high, which has given the team con-
dence that the dam is stable enough to have the improvements work
carried out.
The proposed solution is to install sand lters that will trap the
smallest particles expected to be present, supplemented by relief wells,
along the entire length and height of the eastern embankment. This
will involve scraping the top soil and vegetation from the surface, and
installing a 200mm layer of graded ne lter material, covered with
a second layer of coarser graded lter material to a depth of no less
than 200mm, and then surfaced with the replaced topsoil. This will
also see the gradient of the downstream face reduce from a typical 1
in 3 slope to 1 in 2.5.
Where lters cannot be installed, for instance around the properties,
sheet piled walls are to be driven into the dam to provide an imperme-
able barrier and to direct the water towards high volume lters.
All this work will potentially leave the pipe between the reservoir
and the canal as the remaining weak link. As part of the works, the
pipe will be relined, so it can operate satisfactorily.
The council has undertaken a tendering exercise to appoint a suit-
ably skilled and experienced contractor to carry out these works.
Appointment was expected during July 2010, and the works are
expected to take around six months to complete.
In preparation for the works, the valves to the reservoir were
opened in February 2010, and the water has now reached canal level
at 144m AOD. Before the works to the downstream face can begin,
the remaining water will be pumped out.
Ensuring the safety of Chasewater remains a most difficult and
burdensome obligation for an organisation like Licheld District
Council. But despite the multitude of challenges and complexi-
ties, Lichfield District Council has faced up to its responsibili-
ties and is nearing a position to carry out the required works
that will safeguard the structure of the dam, the reservoir,
the local wildlife, and nearby communities in years to come.
The lack of historical records has presented our engineers with a
unique challenge both to appreciate the condition of the dams and to
design an improvement scheme which not only addresses the twin threats
of internal erosion and overtopping, but which is proportionate,
practical and affordable.
Through this work, Licheld District Council will also ensure
that Chasewater continues to supply the canal network that runs
through the West Midlands with water thereby supporting thou-
sands of businesses, jobs and communities for many decades
to come.
Neil Turner and Lizzie Thatcher, Licheld District Council,
Frog Lane, Staffordshire, WS13 6ZD England
Readers can keep up-to-date with progress at Chasewater
dam via the project blog –www.lichelddc.gov.uk/
Below: Eastern dam, before Chasewater was re-drained