REHABILITATE-operate-transfer (ROT) project cover-
ing seven hydropower plants was awarded to Hydropol
Project & Management AS through its Macedonian sub-
sidiary MacHydro Project Co AD in 2002. The project
includes construction of one new power plant, complete rehabilita-
tion of six power plants, and 11 years of operation of the project
with total installed power exceeding 38MW. The project includes
the following small hydropower plants of medium and high head
located across Macedonia: Dosnica, Kalimanci, Matka (new power
plant), Pena, Pesocani, Sapuncica, and Zrnovci. The core works
(construction works) on this project were completed this year.
Most of the power plants in the ROT scheme were built in the rst
half of the 20th century. The only exception is the HPP Kalimanci
which was commissioned in 1970 together with the Kalimanci earth-
ll dam. The majority of the plants were operated without any major
modernisation or general refurbishment since commissioning.
Major repairs were performed only at Pena hydro plant (built in
1926) due to severe ooding in 1984. This repair included tunnel-
ling of a new derivation channel, outer penstock replacement, and
replacement of a major part of the electromechanical equipment.
After years of operation without major repairs, most of the electro-
mechanical equipment was far behind its exploitation period. State of
repair included heavily damaged turbine parts due to erosion, cavita-
tion and fatigue, heavy leaking of valves, signicant oil leaks through-
out the equipment, low generator winding insulation resistance etc.
Hydropol has been working on a
rehabilitate-operate-transfer (ROT) project
which covers seven hydropower plants in
Macedonia. Tomáš Cerný gives an insight
into the work which has been undertaken
ROT work in Macedonia
Below, left: Pesocani hydropower plant – Scope of civil works connected with
turbine exchange; Below, right: Zrnovci – Improvised support of penstock
valve counterweight
Description of sites
HPP Dosnica is located on the Dosnica River near to the town of Demir Kapija.
The water supply scheme consists of a weir with an alpine type intake and
sedimentation tank, a 10km long system of buried channels, tunnels, and
steel siphons overcoming one of the valleys. From the water chamber, a
600m long steel penstock leads to the powerhouse, where 3x2.2MVA, 6.3kV
generators are driven by Pelton single jet horizontal shaft turbines. The tailrace
channel supplies fresh water to a nearby sh farm.
HPP Kalimanci is located on the Bregalnica River near to the town of Delcevo.
It is part of the Bregalnica hydro system where Kalimanci earthll dam is
the main facility. This irrigation system provides water for 28,000ha in the
Kocansko and Ovce Pole regions, so operation of the dam and power plant
complies mainly with irrigation needs. HPP Kalimanci is thus the only power
plant not operated mainly in run-of-river mode. The plant has 2x6.8MW vertical
Francis turbines and is the largest power plant of the ROT project.
HPP Matka is located on the River Treska 14km away from the Macedonian capital,
Skopje. It was constructed in 1938 and has been in regular operation since then.
The dam is a reinforced concrete arch type 38m in height. There are three units in
the powerhouse of Old Matka (the original power plant) with Francis turbines with
a total discharge 19.5m
/sec. In 2005 HPP Kozjak was commissioned on the
upstream dam. With its large storage capacity and maximum discharge of 80m
sec, it is used as a peak load power plant. Such peaks could not be utilised by the
Old HPP Matka and thus large discharge uprating of the site was necessary.
HPP Pena is located on the River Pena near to the town of Tetovo. The plant is a
derivation type plant with a weir side intake facility, a 1km derivation tunnel, water
chamber, and a 120m long steel penstock. There are two unevenly sized (1.3 and
2.0MW) horizontal units with Francis turbines installed in the powerhouse.
HPP Pesocani is located on the River Pesocani near the town of Ohrid. A 4.9km
long derivation channel collects water from the main intake and two smaller side
intakes to an open water reservoir. Then, a 950m long steel penstock leads to the
powerhouse, where two synchronous 2.2MVA generators are driven by four single
Pelton jet turbines (two turbines per generator on each side).
HPP Sapuncica is located on the River Sapuncica near to the town of Bitola. It
is a derivation type plant with a small dam and side intake facility, a few smaller
side intakes, a 4.9km long buried derivation channel, water chamber, and a
1.85km long steel penstock. There are 2x1.6MW horizontal units installed in the
powerhouse with Pelton single jet turbines. The tailrace channel supplies water
directly to the main municipality drinking water treatment reservoir of Bitola.
HPP Zrnovci is located on the Zrnovka River near to the town of Kocani. It is a
derivation type plant with a weir and side intake facility. There are 2x0.85MW units
with single Pelton jet turbines installed in the powerhouse. A 3.4km long water
supply tunnel is used in the summer months as a water storage reservoir. This
enables operation of the turbine in optimal ow range in the morning and evening
hours, when the tailrace channel feeds water to the local irrigation system.