The American Water Works Association Manual of Practice M20 (AWWA, 2006) provides de-
tailed recommendations for evaluating safety equipment and the appropriate personal protective
equipment (PPE) for tasks involving potential exposure to chlorine compounds.
Sources of Ultraviolet Radiation. Both low-pressure and medium-pressure lamps are avail-
able for disinfe
ction applications. Low-pressure lamps emit their maximum energy output at
a wavelength of 253.7 nm, while medium-pressure lamps emit energy with wavelengths rang-
ing from 180 to 1370 nm. The intensity of medium-pressure lamps is much greater than low-
pressure lamps. Thus, fewer medium
-pressure lamps are required for an equivalent dosage.
For small systems, the medium-pressu re system may consist of a single lamp. Although both
types of lamps work equally well for inactivation of organisms, low-pressure UV lamps are
recommended for small s ystems be
cause of the reliability associated with multiple low-pres-
sure lamps (U.S. EPA, 1996).
Contact Facilities. The Chick-Watson law provides the theoretical basis for the EPA’s ap-
proach to regulation of drinking water disinfection, that is, the provision of adequate chemical
dose and contact time ( Ct ). Prior to the recognition and regulation of THMs , adequate contact
me was provided by addition of the primary disinfectant early in the treatment process.
Since 1980, when the EPA began to regulate THM, many existing and newly proposed facili-
ties locate the point of addition at the end of the process. This is the approach that will be
discussed here.
The disinfection reactors, also called disi
nfection chambers or contact chambers, fall
into three categories: pipelines, longitudinal-serpentine basins, and cross-baffled serpentine
basins. The ideal reactor for chlorine, combined chlorine, and chlorine diox ide is one that
exhibits ideal plug-flow, that is, one with no longitudinal dispersion so that the contact time
is equal to the hydrauli
c residence time. The gases Cl
, NH
, and ClO
are metered into a
slip stream (a portion of the water that has undergone coagulation, settling, filtration, or other
treatment) that is then injected into the main flow of water passing into the contact chamber.
A long pipeline, preferably without bends and restrictions, provides the most ideal reactor.
For example, a pipeline that provides 30 minutes of contact time at a flow rate greater than
0.044 m
/ s and a velocity greater than 0.6 m/s will be nearly ideal, that is, a pipeline abou t
1 km long (MWH, 2005). Unfortunately, real pipelines generally reach the first customer
through a much shorter distance with a less than ideal flow path. However, for that portion
of the line that approaches the ideal setting, calculation of the dispersion number provides
an estimate of the performance of the reac tor. The dis
persion number may be estimated as
(Sjenitzer, 1958):
89 500
3 6
where d
dispersion number, dimensionless
f Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, unitless
D diameter of pipe, m
L length of pipe, m